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Cause 1 of aging-Free radicals;  inflammation and Alzheimer’s; Food choices to reduce inflammation; Cause 2 of aging- inflammation; Cause 3 of aging- Telomere shortening; Cause 4 of aging- Protein misfolding; Cause 5 of aging- Microbiome destruction; Cause 6 of aging-Cellular Senescence; Cause 7 of aging-Immune sensescense; Cause 8 of aging- Miscellaneous factors; live in a community for aging; why blood ages; How to slow your aging process; Index to essays about Aging; what the mtor pathway is; Seven Compounds NIA tested in mice; why not to remove senescent cells; Why We Age; Nutrition index for Beloit website; Index to basis for Nutriton Investigator; Mission of Nutrition Investigator; What website sponsors do; Purpose of nutrition consensus; References Noteworthy; Donate to support website and newsletter; Index of chemicals; Index of experimental compounds; why take aspirin; why take aspirin pro; why take aspirin con; why take dasatinib; why take DHEA; why take DHEA con; why take DHEA pro; why take GDF11; more people who take GDF11; why take metformin; more reasons to take metformin; reasons not to take metformin; why take rapamycin; 4 reasons to avoid rapamycin; 4 reasons to take rapamycin; why take statins; why take alpha-ketoglutarate; more why take alpha-ketoglutarate; why take coQ10; more reasons to not take coQ10; more reasons to take coQ10; why take osteocalcin; index of Pharmaceuticals; an herb that may lengthen telomeres; why not to take dasatinib; Index of biological supplements; Index of herbal supplements; why take spirulina;  Astragalus-do not take it; Astragalus-more take it; why to take Astragalus; why to take cayenne; benefits of drinking coffee; benefits of eating EGCG; benefits of eating Genistein; benefits of eating Olive Oil; why to drink Red Grape Juice; benefits of eating sulforaphane glucosinolate; benefits of eating glucosamine; benefits of eating turmeric; benefits of drinking Green tea or extract; benefits of eating krill oil; benefits of eating Mushrooms; more reasons to eat Klotho; why to drink Tea; benefits of taking Klotho; Index of All supplements; Index of all multiingredient supplements; benefits of taking Triumph; recipe for Roc’s anti-cancer soup; benefits of taking AREDs; benefits of taking Juvenon; benefits of taking mito-c tablet; why not to take AREDs; benefits of taking Fish Oil – DHA and EPA; How much fish oil to take; Index of all Nutraceuticals; benefits of taking SAMe; benefits of taking alpha-lipoic acid; benefits of taking Apigenin; benefits of taking Fisetin; benefits of taking glutathione; melatonin-why people do not take it; benefits of taking melatonin; more reasons to not take fisetin; more reasons to take fisetin; more reasons to take quercetin; benefits of taking quercetin; reasons to take melatonin; benefits of taking Resveratrol; why take with N-acetylcarnitine/ALA; more reasons to eat yogurt/kefir; why to eat yogurt/kefir; index of AminoAcids; index of Minerals; issues related to eating Salt; Index of Vitamins; why to supplement N-acetylcysteine; why to supplement NAD NADH Niacin (vitamin B3); why to supplement tyrosine; why to supplement Vitamin C; why to supplement vitamin K; why to supplement zinc; why to supplement alpha-tocopherol vit E; why to supplement BCAAs; BCAAs-more who do not take; BCAAs-more who take; should you supplement with Calcium; why to supplement cysteine; why to supplement Hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB); why to supplement with Leucine and HMB; why not to take Leucine and HMB; why to take Leucine and HMB; why take multivitamins; why not to take multivitamins;  Vit D graph of U shaped dosage result; Vitamin B options; why take Vitamin B12; Vitamin C options; Vitamin D options; why take Vitamin D; Vitamin E options; why not to take calcium; niacin see 3nad; dealing with arthritis; how much cholesterol is best; Intro to Cholesterol; Covid treatment; Dealing with addiction; nutrition information for Diabetes; nutrition information for heart disease; Health links to other websites; Index for Disease pages; Nutrition information for Migraine; Nutrition for Muscle Building; Who is Roc Ordman?; How to use this site;  About this website; Consensus index; contact;  Disclaimer; important pages to read; Home; Index to Newsletters; Index for searching all pages; Projects; What We Do; Links to main topics; 200404 triumph ad; 46 steps to healthspan; alpha-ketoglutarate is worth taking; Blog Tweets;  bullet points for Triumph label; Science issue about dementia; Dosing of Triumph; exercise notes; first sites I suggest you read; July 2020 Notes-Vitamin K and Exercise; May/July Advances in Nutrition; news notes 2 Aug 2020; news notes 200404 Triumph alzheimers; news notes Aug 2020; News Notes corona1; News Notes corona2; news notes Feb 2020 ; news notes Jan 2020 ; news notes Jan 2020 ; news notes June 2020; news notes Mar 2020 adv nut to Mar2020; news notes March 2020 5 headlines; news notes May 2020; news notes Nov 2020; news notes Oct 2020; news notes second Aug 2020 ; news notes Sept 2020; 200330notes news notes vitamin D and COVID; news notes Reduce stress and iron; increase exercise; Roc’s suggestion to get everyone vaccinated; news notes advnut Sept,Nov;  genistein grows muscles; news notes Feb 20 2021 salt is okay; Concerns about Linolenic acid, omega-6; Benefits of coffee, tea, caffeine; Benefits of garlic; 1Acategories of supplements ; 1BScorecard Master-which are best; 1Cintroduction; 1Ddisclaimer Nutrition Consensus; a newsletter of GRG postings; How to evaluate nutrition information; How to sponsor this site; Index to consensus site; Index to spices; Vitamin C pro; Vitamin C con; why not to take aspirin; discussion of NAD supplements; melatonin-more reasons to take; why to take Vitamin B12; Article about Mito-C; Links to supplements Roc takes; how Mito-C helps arthritis; Mito-C formula; Mito-C ingredients for GRG members; Where to purchase Mito-C;  Publication about Mito-C benefits; Supplements created by Roc; Triumph formula; Basis for nutrient choices;  Choices for groups; Criteria for Safe and Proven validation; Supplement Choices for all; Supplements ages 18 to 39; Supplements over age 40; what GRG members take; who takes what supplements; Paul’s supplement choices; Final Document if you become incapacitated or die