Introduction to the Nutrition Consensus Sector

This site is being developed to provide people with science-based information about supplements to discuss with their physicians. As advertisements are full of deceptive information about most supplements and yet unable to reveal legitimate health benefits of others, this site is my effort to remedy that situation. First, it includes scorecards of the different categories of supplements, with an indication of how many knowledgeable about nutrition, and how many in the general public take those supplements. Then there is an essay with citations about each supplement, along with additional responses why some take the supplement, and some do not take the supplement.

You can either look at
1) the scorecards to see what supplements knowledgeable people take and consider taking them, or
2) a specific supplement that you already take to decide whether to take it, how much and how often, or
3) categories of supplements, like vitamins or spices, to consider others you might choose to take..

To search for further information, here is my suggestion.