Comments from people not taking DHEA

From DrB: Labrie has worked a lot on the issue of prostate cancer risk and DHEA supplements. DHEA is a tricky one manyfold, sometimes it works, sometimes not. Should not be taken continuously, otherwise body shuts down own production what’s left. And aromatase ! And much else like individually correct dosage (start low and test) and which form (eg 7 keto dhea-often does not work), dht level to be checked etc. BUT if it works individually and no side effects: congrats, agree with ROC

From Roc:  DHEA is dehydroepiandrosterone, a steroid hormone discovered in 1934. It is promoted as an anti-aging drug. However, I reviewed a book by the New York Academy of Sciences which concluded it is unsafe as a supplement. The conclusion of the symposium is that DHEA is potentially very hazardous. Although there are lots of “authorities” who appear to endorse all sorts of dangerous materials these days, I would be highly suspicious of anyone who endorsed this material.

From Mayo Clinic: DHEA is a hormone. Use of this supplement might increase levels of androgen and have a steroid effect. DHEA also might increase the risk of hormone-sensitive cancers, including prostate, breast and ovarian cancers. If you have any form of cancer or are at risk of cancer, don’t use DHEA.

Don’t use DHEA if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding.

Consider avoiding use of DHEA if you have high cholesterol or a condition that affects the supply of blood to the heart (ischemic heart disease). DHEA might reduce high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good,” cholesterol levels.