Links to Supplements Roc Takes (updated 7/28/2023)
Roc was born in 1948, BMI 24, in excellent physical shape and health, ran the Chicago Triathlon in 2021.
Below is a list of supplements Roc takes. After age 40 for men or menopause for women, our metabolic changes are often similar, so I suggest reviewing my choices below with a physician who is open minded about the value of supplements. And here is a spreadsheet indicating for which conditions like dementias and heart disease they may be useful for extending your healthspan. For other ages and genders, see information here. At this link are choices other people have made.
Note that I am currently in a clinical trial where I take a statin every day, so I take CoQ10 daily to avoid leg cramps, and do not take Niacin because it causes flushing.
Where I Why I When. What it
Buy it* Take it I take it Costs per 28 days
alpha-keto-glutaric acid, 500mg X X pm ** $5.70
AREDs AREDs AREDs am $2.70
Astaxanthin, 12 mg Asta. Asta. am $13.50
berberine 500mg ber ber am $16.42/69 caps
beta-hydroxybutyric acid, n.d. BHB BHB am. $8.30
CoEnzyme Q10 200mg daily see note above
Ellagic acid 500 mg Ella. Ella am $17.27
Fatty15. Why Wheretobuy. am $32.31
Fiber, vegetable. granola. to maintain microbiome
Fish [Krill] Oil, Fish Fish am $28
Genistein, 125 mg (see hazard) Genistein. Gen/hazard. am** $32
Red grape juice Juice Juice am n/a
Leucine (as BCAAs, 1.2 g). leu leucine. am $8.97
Melatonin, 20 mg Mela Mela every night $0.75
Mito-C*** Mito Mito am and pm. $32.62
Olive oil Olive Olive lunch n/a
Protein powder 20g for breakfast to delay sarcopenia
Resveratrol, 30 mg Resv Resv am $4.48
Spermidine, 10 mg Sperm. Sperm am $22.97
Spirulina, 1 g Spir Spir am $3.30
SAMe, 200 mg SAMe SAMe am $8.66
Taurine, 1 g Taurine Taurine am $3.08
Tocotrienols, 50 mg Toco Toco Sunday am. $1.60
Triumph*** Tri Tri 1st, 2nd, 15th, 16th $20.00
day of each month
Vit B3, Niacin , 500 mg B3 B3 am $1.40. see note above
Vitamin B12, 500 mcg B12 B12 Sunday am $0.23
Vitamin D, 2,000 IU D D am $0.56
Yogurt/Kefir, one sip am
TOTAL to sustain your healthspan about $215/month
*These are the products I use, most based on cost, convenience, and reputation. I get $1 for each Mito-C and Triumph bottle sold.
**I used to take Genistein and alpha-ketoglutarate together at night, but the combination gave me indigestion. Since taurine and alpha-KG both reduce the risk for sarcopenia, I take them in the morning now.
*** Note these cost more as they have multiple ingredients