(12/30/2023) Pentadecanoic acid, marketed as a supplement fatty15, is ASTOUNDING.  Please read this article.  Over the past 40 years, diets with lower saturated fats have been recommended to decrease cholesterol levels and subsequent risks of heart disease1. In the U.S., during the 20-year period following this initial recommendation, the average individual’s daily intake of whole fat milk was reduced more than 4-fold, from 283 to 65 grams per day, in an effort to lower dietary saturated fats2,3. Despite this drop in whole fat milk intake, the global prevalence of obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease has increased4,5,6. Further, an 18-year longitudinal study including over 25,000 individuals demonstrated that children fed whole fat milk had a lower risk of having obesity compared to children who were provided fat-free or 1% fat milk, and multiple studies have demonstrated associations between higher dietary intake of full-fat dairy and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease7,8,9. As such, there is a need re-evaluate potential health risks versus benefits of dietary dairy fats. IT TURNS OUT THE DIFFERENCE IS WHOLE MILK HAS PENTADECANOIC ACID.

I have just ordered a 90 day supply of this supplement, the only place I believe it is available.  90 days costs about $120.  But it is much cheaper than metformin or rapamycin, safer, but with the same health effects.  Order at fatty15.com/ALFREDORDMAN

In rats, an effective oral dosage is 5mg/kg, and much higher doses were absolutely safe.  As people weight 60-80 kg, a dosage of 400 mg per day would be valid.

From GRG: Pentadecanoic Acid (C15:0), an Essential Fatty Acid, Shares Clinically Relevant Cell-Based Activities with Leading Longevity-Enhancing Compounds

I’ve been taking a supplement called “fatty15” for about 2 years now, before I was aware of potential longevity benefits. A new paper claims that its longevity benefits may be on par with rapamycin and metformin.  Those 2 medications require a prescription.  But pentadecanoic acid is a supplement.