I have six projects:
1. Nutrition Investigator Newsletter  and essays– I send a one screen email with the latest headlines from published legitimate nutrition science

2. Nutrition Consensus Results and Newsletter – I am constructing a website to gather and share information about what supplements (nutrients) people take, documenting a debate about what the evidence is for and against various nutrients.

3. Causes of aging and ways to extend healthspan

4. My supplements – I have developed two nutritional supplements. This is information about what they are, the science supporting their value, and how to order them.

5. Research Posters  by me and students over many years. In particular, there is a poster about what I do almost daily to maintain a longer and better healthspan – download poster 174.

6. My aging and supplement survey – Please volunteer by reporting to me what supplements you take, how old you are, and what condition you are in.  When I am 130, I hope to find who has survived the longest and healthiest and whether it correlates with the supplements you select.  Sign up here please.

7. Disease index