SUBJ: How to reduce the risk for aging disorders of the brain

SUBtitle: Energy drinks accelerate aging

So much news this week.  Please read what is relevant to your health.

With so many new readers, here is the primary link I recommend: 46steps to slow aging. Other useful links:; whyweage;  Key word search command;   how your friends can get this newsletter

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Essay 10: what to do to reduce the risk for and effects of dementias, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s (DAPs).

Please also see all 10 essays I have written here.

my latest message on how to store and take your supplements

I added a page on treating tinnitus.

See my disease index and request other diseases you would like essays about.

Energy drinks with artificial caffeine accelerate aging!

Wegovy works!! people easily lose 50+ pounds.  It does not require change in diet.

I’m happy to report the life saving benefit of olive oil

Air pollution from coal fired plants from 1999 to 2020 have added 460,000 deaths to people in the US over 65.

Giving birth gives birth to neurons to help mother recognize and bond with her child.

Best exercise for older people – squats

Liver cancer patient saved.

Amorphous calcium treats inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis.

$101 million prize awaits the team that develops a therapy to rewind the aging clock in older 20 years

Life expectancy can increase by up to 10 years following sustained shifts towards healthier diets.

Accelerated epigenetic aging in trauma-exposed veterans predicts increased dementia

Senolytic treatment in older mice with dry eye symptoms prevents corneal opacity.

c/o Kevin Fickenscher: “The single easiest thing that we could do to shore up our democracy is to regulate social media.

a naturally occurring compound found in coffee seems to improve age-related cognitive decline, memory and spatial learning.

There is a growing body of evidence revealing that generalized Covid-19 infections can cause neurogenerative decline. To prevent the problem keep up the vaccinations.

The rate of vaccinations among kindergarteners is declining!! Parents are less concerned about these infections because there are no reported cases in their communities. The reason? Because kids have gotten vaccines!!

Vitalia longevity city.  First one was in Montenegro.  Newest on Roatan, an island off Honduras.


Newly written: Essay 10: what to do to reduce the risk for and effects of dementias, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s (DAPs). Please also see all 10 essays I have written here.  Sponsors for $5/month here inspire me to take the time to write these.

I hope you enjoyed my latest message on how to store and take your supplements if you take a lot like me.

I also just added a page on tinnitus.  See also my disease index and request other diseases you would like nutrition recommendations for.

Thanks to Kevin Fickenscher: Energy drinks with artificial caffeine accelerate aging!  There is “natural” caffeine and then, there’s also “synthetic” caffeine. Emerging research is demonstrating that synthetic caffeine may actually accelerate aging while naturally occurring caffeine slows the age-related decline. With more than 60% of the caffeine we consume coming from the synthetic side, the issue of which type we are consuming becomes quite important. The ongoing research is important for understanding the difference. In a study reported in Nutrition and Metabolism, high caffeine content was associated with shorter telomeres – a marker for cellular aging in adults versus an increase in coffee consumption associated with longer telomeres.

Wegovy works!! I am happy to report that someone I know well has been using Wegovy, a medication one injects once a week, and has been losing weight dramatically.  It takes patience as the dosage steadily increases, once weekly injections ramping up monthly.  But my doctor says people easily lose 50+ pounds.  It does not require change in diet, one just naturally feels full when eating less.

From GRG: I’m happy to report the life saving benefit of olive oil I relayed in 2016 is consistent with an updated chart.

Science 24 Nov pg.878 Air pollution from coal fired plants from 1999 to 2020 have added 460,000 deaths to people in the US over 65, esp. in the Eastern US with so many SO2 emissions. Pg 881 – Giving birth gives birth to neurons to help mother recognize and bond with her child.

AARP – Best exercise for older people – if you have time for only one exercise, you’ll get the most bang for your buck by doing squats — the classic move in which you slowly lower your bottom to seated level, then stand back up.

Liver cancer patient saved. A patient with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) who participated in the Phase II trials of namodenoson from Israel’s Can-Fite (see here previously) had an extremely good response. His liver function returned to normal, and he is looking forward to a good quality of life.

Amorphous calcium to treat IBD. Israel’s Amorphical (see here previously) has adapted its amorphous calcium carbonate production technology to treat inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis. The mineral neutralizes the acidity within affected tissue to prevent inflammation.

XPRIZE Healthspan Challenge is live! Launched at the Global Healthspan Summit in Riyadh, this groundbreaking competition aims to revolutionize aging! A staggering $101 million prize awaits the team that develops a therapy to rewind the aging clock by 20 years for muscle, cognition, and immune function in older adults.

Life expectancy can increase by up to 10 years following sustained shifts towards healthier diets in the United Kingdom. Making healthy food choices can significantly impact your life expectancy.

Longitudinal study of traumatic-stress related cellular and cognitive aging – Accelerated epigenetic aging in trauma-exposed veterans predicts increased dementia biomarkers and cognitive decline, linking psychiatric comorbidity to neurodegeneration risk.

Senescent ocular cells (SOCs) from human corneas exhibit increased aging markers and disrupt epithelial barriers due to a pro-inflammatory secretory phenotype (SASP). Senolytic treatment in older mice with dry eye symptoms prevents corneal opacity.

c/o Kevin Fickenscher: “The single easiest thing that we could do to shore up our democracy is to regulate social media. Our information environment is increasingly toxic. It increasingly pushes out the most extreme material … perpetrating misinformation and disinformation … in ways that have increasingly led to societal ill effects.”  Barbara Walter

A new study at the University of Tsukuba in Japan has identified a naturally occurring compound found in coffee that seems to improve age-related cognitive decline, memory and spatial learning. The compound is trigonelline. It’s a substance that is found in multiple neurologic pathways throughout the nervous system. It’s also a substance that increases neurotransmitter levels while simultaneously decreasing inflammation. The only problem is that the studies – so far – have been on mice.

There is a growing body of evidence revealing that generalized Covid-19 infections can cause neurogenerative decline, especially among the elderly. Based on a review in the Journal of Neurochemistry the problem seems to stem from neuro-inflammation. For example, in one study there was a 69% increase in onset of Alzheimer’s type dementia for those over the age of 65 who experienced a Covid-19 infection. And, increasingly a number of viruses are showing up associating infections of varying intensity with onset of early dementia. So, to prevent the problem keep up the vaccinations and keep your ear to the ground.

The rate of vaccinations among kindergarteners is declining!! In fact, the rate of vaccine exemptions for children reached the highest level ever reported in the USA according to the CDC. That means kids are not receiving their measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines as well as their poliovirus and chickenpox vaccines. Ay Yi Yi!!! In many cases, parents are seemingly less concerned about these infections because there are no reported cases in their communities. The reason? Because kids have gotten vaccines!! I believe the medical community needs to become more aggressive about advocating the need for vaccinations.

From GRG: Vitalia longevity city.  First one was in Montenegro.  Newest on Roatan, an island off Honduras.  Nonstop flights there from airports in Texas.