Essay 10: what to do to reduce the risk for and effects of dementias, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s (DAPs) (5 Dec 2023)

There are many known ways to preserve your mental health as you age. And these days we all see the tragedy of those who do not pay attention to this guidance.  Again, you must discuss this guidance with your doctor, but here is what I have learned from scientific and medical literature.

  • Exercise is key to healthspan. You should try to exercise, like vigorous walking, at least 30 minutes 3 times a week.  More is better. If you cannot walk, you can swim or lift weights. Talk to your doctor.
  • Drinking coffee and green tea are beneficial. Drinking up to 6 cups of coffee reduces your risk for Parkinsons.
  • My supplement Mito-C is designed to reduce the risk of protein misfolding, which a major initial step in dementias (DAPs)
  • Get 500 mg of vitamin C twice a day. It prevents plaque buildup in your circulatory system, including the arteries in your brain. Plaque in the brain causes strokes. (Mito-C and AREDsII together provide that amount of vitamin C).
  • Reduce your red meat intake. It has saturated fat that causes plaque in your arteries.
  • Sleep! People’s requirements vary from 4 to 12 hours a night.  A special issue of Science on neurodegeneration noted the importance of sleep, when your brain opens like a sponge to allow waste products from daily thinking to be washed away.
  • Control your blood pressure. Fish oil and exercise will help with this. Medication should be a last resort.
  • Here is the chart of the supplements for brain health. Mito-C (contains Acetylcarntine and a-lipoic acid), fish oil, melatonin, AREDsII (contains zinc and copper), genistein, taurine, beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), and astaxanthin. Here’s where to get them.
  • There is a lot more guidance if you search my website for dementia. Here is the link to 116 results