SUBJ: How Roc stores and takes his supplements

SUBtitle: Photos of how to organize many pills

SHORT NOTES: A friend asked me how I keep track of so many supplements.  I take up to 18 in the morning – just nutritional supplements, and 6 at night, some medications and some supplements.  In notes below, I show pictures of how I keep track and keep things stocked.  Here is the link to the supplements I take and where I buy them, when I take them, and why.


I keep two boxes, one bottle for each of the pills I am taking. The second box has an unopened bottle of every pill for when for opened bottle runs out.  Then I order another bottle.  Note I label every bottle on the top so it is easy to find it.



From the bottles,I fill a small tube that holds about 20 pills.  You can get packs of these tubes at places like Walmart.  I label each tube with what supplement is in it. Then I put all the tubes in small baskets that go in a cabinet in the kitchen above where I get coffee in the morning.  Note the aluminum packet that has my SAMe pills. Note there are 16 pills plus SAMe.


At bedtime, I just take 7 pills which includes medicines.  I keep the tubes in my medicine cabinet, and every Sunday I fill a pill rack for the next 7 days, so I just swallow one compartment each night.