AJCN Dec, 2011 – Details

HOLIDAY FEASTING 1. A kind alum shares: Harvard University writes: Pay attention to the protein package. Fish, poultry, and beans are your best bets. This short essay has links to most questions I have been asked about protein, and friend Walter Willett is in charge of nutrition from Harvard.

2. Less phosphorus intake (drinking less soda pop) leads to less calcification of coronary artery.

SO MUCH FOR IN UTERO AND NEONATES and kids: 3. Nutrient requirements to optimize neonatal growth. [Stay tuned for The Power of Programming: how in utero and neonate nutrition controls most health and disease throughout your life – being sent within a few days – This is astonishing stuff that ought to be required reading before pregnancy. ] It is becoming increasingly clear that the growth during the earliest stages of life can be an important determinant of an individual’s later health and risk of chronic disease (2). This may be enabled through molecular mechanisms such as the modulation of gene expression through epigenetic modification. There is now substantial evidence from epidemiologic studies that the shape and size of an infant at delivery and his or her growth during the first 2 y of life are predictive of later risk of chronic noncommunicable disease, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, cancer, and mental illness (4). Any failure to ensure the provision of a mix of nutrients appropriate for the needs at that particular time risks constraining one or another aspect of this complex process.

4. Folic acid/multivitamin reduces pre-term birth and 75g birth weight gain in Hungary.

5. Entire life of health depends on first month of post-natal growth, after that it is mostly genetics.

6. Higher choline intake builds better brains. There’s plenty of choline in eggs that goes to mother’s milk.

7. Kid’s behavioral troubles at age 10 are associated with lack of fish oil in utero and as neonates.

8. During childhood and mid-life, eating more vitamin A and milk, and less red and processed meats, reduce your colorectal cancer risk.

9. USDA Protein requirement for children should be much higher.

FOR THE REST OF US: 10. People lacking fish oil have higher rates of depression. Please see a separate recent Investigator update on depression.

11. More praise for health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Higher consumption of an MeDi was associated with decreased risk of vascular events. Results support the role of a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and olive oil in the promotion of ideal cardiovascular health.

12. Cheese intake lowers LDL compared to butter.

13. Soy intake lowers lung cancer risk.

14. Vitamin D lowers risk of death, cancer, and cardiovascular disease in less obese women.

15.Palm oil elevates LDL, olive oil lowers it.

Happy holidays! Stress is inflammatory, happiness is healthy! Time for a deep breath?

– Roc, Nutrition Investigator

*To be added or removed from the nutrition research Email List . *To review the disclaimer. *To ask Roc a question.

“Intelligence is not a fixed entity but rather like a muscle that grows with effort.” – TD Wilson, Redirect-the surprising new science of psychological change, 2011