J Nutr, Mar 2011 from Nutrition Investigator Roc


Other peer-reviewed articles for optimum nutrition:
1. EXERCISE SLOWS AGING DRAMATICALLY – PNAS report shows regular exercise substantially slows “normal” physical and mental aging declines. “endurance exercise can attenuate the cumulative systemic decline observed in aging”, Tarnopolsky et al, PNAS February 22, 2011

2. 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily is likely to be the wisest choice – New Daily Value of vitamin D of just 600 IU daily is likely much too conservative – NIH Nutrition Center/Linus Pauling Institute Director Balz Frei’s daily dietary supplement regimen includes 2,000 IU (equaling 50 micrograms) of vitamin D3, as does mine.

3. Don’t worry, be happy – Happy People Live Longer, Bruno S. Frey, Science 4 February 2011: 542-543. “happier people enjoy an increased longevity of between 7.5 and 10 years”

J Nutr, Mar 2011
4. DHA should be 8% of fat in the diet while pregnant and nursing – Low long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA, or LCP) consumption relates to suboptimal neurodevelopment, coronary artery disease, and [postpartum (PP)] depression. Maternal-to-infant LCP transport during pregnancy and lactation is at the expense of maternal status, a process known as biomagnification. Despite biomagnification, maternal and infant LCP status generally declines during lactation. 8% of fat intake as DHA prevents this decline.

5. A high carb diet damages your kidneys – our data suggest that higher intake of energy-dense, nutrient-poor sources of carbohydrate, potentially through acute hyperglycemia, could impair renal function.

6. Tea, legumes, and wine provide most proanthocyanidins (PACs) – PACS provide great nutrition, preventing much chronic disease. Main sources in the US diet are these.

7. School breakfast programs make children much healthier and secure – The School Breakfast Program is an important component of the nutritional safety net and has been linked to positive changes in meal patterns and nutritional outcomes. By offering a breakfast, which for low-income children is available either at no cost or reduced price, the program also has the potential to increase household food security.

8. Children need at least 600 IU of vitamin D daily to maintain immune systems

9. Global perspective on nutrition – In some low- and middle-income countries, stunting begins before or shortly after birth (4) and approaches 45% among children under 5 y of age (2). Many stunted children retain their shortened stature throughout life (5) and are at risk for poor cognition and academic performance during childhood and low productivity and human capital during adulthood (6). Recommendations are to initiate programs to prevent stunting early in life (5). In high-income countries, childhood overweight/obesity is a serious public health problem that is increasing in prevalence, particularly among minority and/or low-income children (7). Data from the 2007–2008 NHANES-IV show that the prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents has reached 17.7%, a 3-fold increase over the past 3 decades (7).

10. Genetics substantially influence whether you are obese AND whether you choose to exercise – Genes do not exert absolute control, but you may need to overcome their influence reducing your desire to exercise and your desire to maintain a healthy weight.

Have a happy and strenuous Mardi Gras! But do not drive drunk. A recent President of the American Aging Association was killed by a drunk driver recently.

*To review the disclaimer. *To ask Nutrition Investigator (Roc) a question.
Roc Ordman for appointments or phoning pls email 24hrs ahead
spring classes 10-12MWF, 1:30-2:35MWF; 2:45-3:50F
Professor, Biochemistry, Beloit College
http://chemistry.beloit.edu/Ordman out of office Thursdays


“The greatest danger that Western prosperity faces…is posed by the myth of the free market” J. Cassidy, p. 101, The New Yorker, Dec 13, 2010