Loneliness and J Nutr, Feb 2011 from Nutrition Investigator Roc –


  1. From SCIENCE 14 Jan pg 138 –Loneliness: Hazardous to your health– [Scientists] have identified several potentially unhealthy changes in the cardiovascular, immune, and nervous systems of chronically lonely people. Their findings could help explain why epidemiological studies have often found that socially isolated people have shorter life spans and increased risk of a host of health problems, including infections, heart disease, and depression. Their work also adds a new wrinkle, suggesting that it’s the subjective experience of loneliness that’s harmful, not the actual number of social contacts a person has.
  2. From SCIENCE 21 Jan pg 289 –Probiotics essential to immune system– After antibiotics, it is especially important to eat fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut to repopulate your intestines. Specific components of the microbiota—the microorganisms that normally colonize the body—can affect disease progression in mouse models of arthritis, central nervous system inflammation, diabetes, intestinal inflammation, and obesity (1). On page 337 of this issue, Atarashi et al. (2) demonstrate that indigenous species of Clostridium bacteria, a large component of the mammalian microbiota, promote anti-inflammatory immune responses by expanding and activating regulatory T (Treg) cells. The finding has important implications for understanding how gut-resident bacteria affect both intestinal and systemic immune responses.
  3. From the Institute of Medicine –New Daily Values for calcium and vitamin D – The new RDAs correspond those advocated by research discoveries linked to Nutrition Investigator for years. Less calcium – about 800 mg daily, noting more is hazardous, and more vitamin D, up from 400 to 600, and noting up to 4,000IU daily is safe. AJCN sources advocate 2,000 IU daily.
  4. FromJ Nutrition Feb, 2011
  5. Fish oil reduces breast cancer and mortality risks– EPA and DHA, long-chain (n-3) PUFA largely obtained from fish, inhibit the proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro and reduce the initiation and progression of breast tumors in laboratory animals. ..The investigation indicates that marine fatty acids from food are associated with reduced risk of additional breast cancer events and all-cause mortality in women.
  6. DHA in fish oil improves serum lipidsin overweight adults – In summary, DHA supplementation resulted in potentially beneficial changes in some markers of cardiometabolic risk,
  7. DHA has potent antiinflammatory properties
  8. Lactating mothers taking DHA help pre-term infants– Early supplementation with DHA to lactating mothers with low dietary DHA intake successfully increased the plasma DHA status in very preterm infants. Mothers got 1,200 mg DHA daily. (Most 1 g fish oil supplements contain about 120 mg of DHA). DHA helps babies’ brains – (n-3) PUFA, including DHA, are essential for neural development and accumulate extensively in the fetal and infant brain. (n-3) PUFA concentrations in breast milk, which are largely dependent on maternal diet and tissue stores, are correlated with infant PUFA status. Prenatal DHA supplementation from 18–22 wk gestation to parturition increased concentrations of DHA and ALA in breast milk at 1 mo postpartum, providing a mechanism through which breast-fed infants could benefit.
  9. BCAA Intake is associated with being thinner– Just as hypothesized in my weight loss study, people with a higher intake of branched chain amino acids are less likely to be overweight.
  10. Obese people use vitamin supplements least– Use has risen substantially since the 1970s, 44% of males and 53% of females. 33% take a multivitamin, 30% take vitamin C. Dietary supplement use was lowest in obese adults and highest among non-Hispanic whites, older adults, and those with more than a high-school education. Between 28 and 30% reported using dietary supplements containing vitamins B-6, B-12, C, A, and E; 18–19% reported using iron, selenium, and chromium; and 26–27% reported using zinc- and magnesium-containing supplements. Botanical supplement use…
  11. Vitamin C supplements may reduce bladder emptying– High-dose supplemental and total vitamin C were positively associated with LUTS (LUTS include problems with voiding (e.g. intermittency, weak urinary stream) and storage (e.g. urgency, frequency), both of which are often symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), particularly among older men.)
  12. Arginine supplements do not help muscles– We conclude that an oral bolus (10 g) of arginine does not increase NO synthesis or muscle blood flow. Furthermore, arginine does not enhance mixed or myofibrillar MPS either at rest or after resistance exercise beyond that achieved by feeding alone.
  13. Race and region cause dietary concerns in the US– Stroke mortality rates and prevalence of several chronic diseases are higher in Southern populations and blacks in the US. Among black men, intakes of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium were lower, whereas cholesterol was higher. Comparing regions, Southern men had the lowest intakes of fiber, potassium, magnesium, and calcium and higher intakes of cholesterol .
  14. Low fast food and high fruit and vegetable prices promote fat children– Food prices are expected to affect dietary intakes,..Our findings suggest that among U.S. children aged 2–9 y, Our findings suggest that among U.S. children aged 2–9 y, higher price indices of fast foods is associated with better dietary quality, whereas higher price indices of fruits and vegetables are linked to higher BMI and lower fiber intake.

*To review the disclaimer. *To ask Nutrition Investigator (Roc) a question.
Roc Ordman for appointments or phoning pls email 24hrs ahead
spring classes 10-12MWF, 1:30-2:35MWF; 2:45-3:50F
Professor, Biochemistry, Beloit College
http://chemistry.beloit.edu/Ordman out of office Thursdays

“The greatest danger that Western prosperity faces…is posed by the myth of the free market” J. Cassidy, p. 101, The New Yorker, Dec 13, 2010