J Nutrition Dec, 2013 — Links to the abstracts of articles are at the start of the synopses below.


Midlife iron status is inversely associated with subsequent cognitive function – Given the urgent need for prevention research on age-related disorders, future investigations of iron status and cognition are warranted.

Nutrition Facts Panels on food labels in the US are based on outdated RDAs

Breast-fed infants and young children need complementary foods with a very high nutrient density (particularly for iron and zinc), especially at ages 6–12 mo.  -Complementary feeding diets typically fall short in iron and zinc and sometimes in other nutrients. These gaps in nutritional adequacy of infant diets have likely been a characteristic of human diets since the agricultural revolution ∼10,000 y ago.

Maternal knowledge of nutrition depends of knowledge-sharing efficacy –  They show that community health worker (CHW)–delivered behavior change communication (BCC) outcomes are conditional on both frontline workers’ knowledge and knowledge-sharing efficacy. Whereas most programs focus on content training to improve CHWs’ knowledge, it is also important to strengthen process training and support to foster knowledge-sharing efficacy.

Infant feeding is associated with adult cardiovascular disease – Age at introduction of solid foods was negatively associated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure at the age of 6 y. Compared with children who had ever been breast-fed, never-breast-fed children had a higher carotid-femoral PWV.

A symposium on achieving optimal growth in pre-term infants and children

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Roc Ordman for appointments or phoning pls email 24hrs ahead
Professor, Biochemistry, Beloit College
The problem is that people believe that happiness is in the future. But if you stop speeding and running, you can find happiness right in the here and the now. Thich Nhat Hanh