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There is a special issue of Science 2 October 2020 about neurodegeneration.  These are some of the major highlights:

BIGGEST TAKE AWAY: “An important function of sleep is to allow water products-including misfolded proteins associated with neuodegeration – to be cleared from the brain via the glymphatic system.”  The glymphatic system is the lymphatic system of the brain.  When you sleep, the glymphatic system opens up and flushes out metabolic waste and misfolded proteins.  It is primarily the misfolded proteins which lead to neuroinflammation, which leads to neurodegeneration, which leads to dementias. These include Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Glymphatic Cerebral Spinal Fluid clearance failure.

Alzheimer’s risk is between 58 to 79% genetic, 35% environmental! Environmental factors include sleep quality which diminishes with age, sleep apnea, obesity, depression sedentary lifestyle, cardiovascular disorders, and circadian misalignment.  All of these harm glymphatic function.

I am proud that I realized the hazard of misfolded proteins years ago as a primary cause of age-associated diseases, and that I designed Mito-C with a unique combination of safe ingredients proven to enhance mechanisms that reduce protein misfolding [SEE ARTICLE], keeping your brain healthier as you age. Please take Mito-C, and tell your friends to take it also. If your family has a history of Alzheimer’s, remember it is up to 79% genetic!

Roc Ordman, Prof Emeritus of Biochem, Beloit CollegeThe secret of life and karate is to see what you really see. Sensei Kim

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