SUBJ: Essay on how to prevent or reduce arthritis

SUBtitle: Citicoline May Prevent Cognitive

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  1. 50% of my readers have arthritis, I have written an essay on what to do to prevent or reduce arthritis pain.
  2. Citicoline May Prevent Cognitive Decline in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease
  3. Ivermectin is a drug that has been considered as an additional therapy to standard treatments for cancer.
  4. each child adds about 9441 metric tons of carbon dioxide to the carbon legacy of an average female, which is 5.7 times her lifetime emissions.
  5. Most US children do not meet recommendations for choline intake-feed eggs


Thanks to responses to my monkey survey and donations from readers, 50% of who have arthritis, I have written an essay on arthritis. Scientific literature suggests what to do to prevent or reduce arthritis pain, in addition to moderate regular exercise (which almost all who read this get).  Items 1-8 are antioxidants, which will relieve inflammation which causes many age-associated diseases. #2 also heals chondrocytes in joints!

  1. Astaxanthin – (12mg/day) a xanthophyll carotenoid, is the most abundant carotenoid in marine organisms and is one of the most powerful natural compounds with remarkable antioxidant activity, that particularly targets mitochondria, the main organelle that degrades with age.
  2. beta-hydroxybutyrate – Another important way to reduce/prevent osteoarthritis. Systemic β-Hydroxybutyrate can be increased either through a ketogenic diet or dietary supplementation. Senescence chondrocytes play an important role in Osteoarthritis progression. BHB alleviate the chondrocytes senescence under oxidative stress.
  3. ellagic acid – EA has also been well documented for its antiallergic, antiatherosclerotic, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, and neuroprotective properties.
  4. Mito-C, which I designed, is to slow misfolding of proteins, which slows a major contributor to arthritis.
  5. fish oil – reduces inflammation
  6. olive oil– reduces inflammation
  7. resveratrol– reduces inflammation
  8. vitamin D– reduces inflammation
  9. 50% of people find that glucosamine and chondroitin supplements after a month of use provide some relief.

If you go to my products page, you will find links to where I buy each product, what it costs, and why I take them. Here is the link to an essay on arthritis I just wrote.

Citicoline May Prevent Cognitive Decline in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease  Patients were prescribed citicoline 1g/day.  Subjective Cognitive Complaints (SCC) subjects showed an improvement in language and attention domains, while those with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)  performed better after 12 months in total scores of global language domain, naming, attention and visuospatial abilities. MCI group showed an improvement in the screening test, delayed memory, global cognition and in cognitive flexibility domains, some converting back to SCC. This supports the idea that citicoline may prevent cognitive decline in patients with cognitive deficits.

Ivermectin is a drug that has been considered as an additional therapy to standard treatments for cancer.  While not yet FDA approved, it is of interest.  Here is a brief set of notes on articles.  It is definitely worth discussing with a physician who is knowledgeable about ivermectin.

Reproduction and the carbon legacies of individuals. “each child adds about 9441 metric tons of carbon dioxide to the carbon legacy of an average female, which is 5.7 times her lifetime emissions. A person’s reproductive choices must be considered along with his day-to-day activities when assessing his ultimate impact on the global environment.”

Most US children do not meet recommendations for choline intake. Egg Usual Intake is Associated with Choline Adequacy in US Infants and Young Children. Given the association of higher choline intakes with egg consumption, increasing usual egg intake in infants and young children may help elevate the percentage meeting the established AI for choline intake.