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Vitamin K1 is a strong antioxidant, 10–100 times more potent when compared with other biological radical scavengers such as vitamin E; Vitamin K intake may reduce cardiovascular risk by decreasing arterial stiffening within one year (provided by Mito-C and Triumph); A circulating factor induced by exercise contributes to keeping the brain young…Exercise has a rejuvenating effect; Diet Is the Single Most Important Predictor of Health; Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, in the current aging society, the importance of oral and periodontal care for preventing the onset of AD will increase; There is an inverse correlation between adherence to DASH diet and daytime sleepiness score; Using mobile screen ≥ 8 hours/24 hours, using the mobile for at least 30 minutes before sleeping after the lights have been turned off and keeping the mobile near the pillow are positively associated with poor sleep quality; COVID- In lab tests, the virus was destroyed in 5 days on lung tissue that had been exposed to the anti-cholesterol treatment Fenofibrate (Tricor); CF-101 (Piclidenoson) is in Phase 2 & 3 trials for COVID, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases   AGING-   Handgrip strength and standard strength measures of the lower limbs and functional tests present a negligible/low correlation; Osteoporosis and osteopenia correlate for calcification of cardiac valves increasing (reduced by Mito-C and Triumph); recent research into the natural compound resveratrol indicates that it is also possible to turn senescent cells back into healthy growing cells; fisetin destroys senescent cells which produce harmful signals in your body. But whether or not it is safe to take fisten as a supplement is unclear; hyperbaric oxygen therapy improved the cognitive function and brain tissue of dozens of over-65-year-old volunteers; DISEASE- cancer progresses much faster in patients with heart problems. To improve their survival chances), these patients should have their heart treated first before beginning cancer therapy; In just 3 months, a nano-engineered supplement made from high antioxidant pomegranate oil improved 30 multiple sclerosis patients; Experts discussed whether early autism diagnosis can lead to the eradication of symptoms of autism later in life;


“Furthermore, two kinetic studies showed that vitamin K1-hydroquinone is a strong antioxidant, 10–100 times more potent when compared with other biological radical scavengers such as vitamin E (α-tocopherol), and ubihydroquinone-10 [130], suggesting a role in preventing lipid peroxidation in biological systems.”

A clinical trial called “Effect of Menaquinone-7 (vitamin K2) on the vascular elasticity in healthy subjects: results from a one year study,” which was recently published in the journal Vascular Diseases and Therapeutics provided further evidence thatcvitamin K intake may reduce cardiovascular risk by decreasing arterial stiffening within one year.

Vitamin K1 also reduces CVD risk for those at risk for CVD (AJCN).

Science 10 July 2020 pg144 “A circulating factor induced by exercise contributes to keeping the brain young…Exercise has a rejuvenating effect”. It also involves the muscles, liver, and fat.

Alternative and Complementary TherapiesVol. 25, No. 6
Diet Is the Single Most Important Predictor of Health
3 Dec 2019

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, and it exhibits pathological properties such as deposition of extracellular amyloid β (Aβ) and abnormally phosphorylated Tau in nerve cells and a decrease of synapses.

These findings indicate that the pathological condition of AD may be regulated by controlling the bacteria in the oral cavity and the body. In the current aging society, the importance of oral and periodontal care for preventing the onset of AD will increase.

Participants with the greatest adherence to the DASH diet had significantly higher intakes of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, fish and nuts, and lower consumption of refined grains, red and processed meat, sugar-sweetened beverages and sweets.  There is an inverse correlation between adherence to DASH diet and daytime sleepiness score.

This study concludes that using mobile screen ≥ 8 hours/24 hours, using the mobile for at least 30 minutes before sleeping after the lights have been turned off and keeping the mobile near the pillow are positively associated with poor sleep quality.

CALCIFICATION of Cardiac Valves in Metabolic Bone Disease: Osteoporosis and osteopenia correlate for calcification of cardiac valves increasing CVD.

While senolytics are widely thought to have the potential to improve healthy longevity, recent research into the natural compound resveratrol indicates that it is also possible to turn senescent cells back into healthy growing cells.

In the GRG group, I have been reading about fisetin, a substance from strawberries that destroys senescent cells which produce harmful signals in your body. But whether or not it is safe to take fisten as a supplement is unclear.  See my discussion here, and Aubrey de Grey’s article here: Senolytics – Solution or Self-Defeating for Senescent Cells?

From M. Ordman’s newsletter: Fix the heart before treating cancer. Researchers at Israel’s Technion Institute have made a breakthrough discovery that cancer progresses much faster in patients with heart problems. To improve their survival chances, these patients should have their heart treated first before beginning cancer therapy.


In lab tests, the virus was destroyed in 5 days on lung tissue that had been exposed to the anti-cholesterol treatment Fenofibrate (Tricor).

One of the treatments being developed by Israel’s Can-Fite (see here) is CF-101 (Piclidenoson) which is in Phase 2 & 3 trials for psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases.  Can-Fite is shortly to commence a Phase 2 trial of CF-101 on Covid-19 patients.


Slowing down the aging process. (TY WIN) Researchers at Israel’s Ben Gurion University have discovered, for the first time in mammals, that by slightly lowering body temperatures in mice, the animals lived 20 percent longer, Also, by reducing their oxygen level and increasing their CO2 level, their wounds healed faster.

 Handgrip strength and standard strength measures of the lower limbs and functional tests present a negligible/low correlation.

Tel Aviv University’s Dr Shai Efrati used hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to improve the cognitive function and brain tissue of dozens of over-65-year-old volunteers. They received a 60-day course of 2-hours in a pressurized chamber 5 times a week, breathing pure oxygen for some of the time.


Positive results in MS study. Doctors at Jerusalem’s Hadassah hospital used a nano-engineered supplement made from high antioxidant pomegranate oil to treat 30 multiple sclerosis patients. In just 3 months, the patients already significantly improved their learning ability, text comprehension, word recall and categorization.

Chemotactic and phagocytic activities were decreased in patients with sepsis but increased after treatment with the high concentrations of ascorbate.

Experts discussed whether early autism diagnosis can lead to the eradication of symptoms of autism later in life.

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