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 Sent Jan 16, 2021. See past newsletters here

COVID-19: What Should the General Practitioner Know?

Study Suggests a Link between Stress and Cancer Coming Back

One study found that people who were depressed for more than a decade had about 30% more brain inflammation. One study found that meditating for 2 months increased gray matter in parts of the brain that control emotions and learning. Meditation also strengthens the connection between brain cells. It may also ease inflammation in the brain and protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Exercise pumps blood to the brain, which delivers oxygen and nutrients. It also stimulates the release of proteins that keep brain cells healthy and help grow new ones. Research shows that exercise may grow the areas of your brain that control thinking and memory.

Excess iron may contribute to brain degeneration! Geomagnetic fields interfere with the accumulation of iron in the human brain. Magnetic sensing of the human brain provides compelling evidence of new electric mechanisms in human brains and may interfere with the evolution of neurodegenerative diseases.