1. Dietary phosphorus is very hazardous – High phosphorus intake is associated with increased mortality in a healthy US population. Several acute studies in healthy adults have shown that oral phosphate loading has an effect of increasing markers of bone disease and/or CVD in healthy subjects. With an increase in the consumption of processed foods over the past decades in the United States, phosphorus consumption has increased and far exceeds the nutrient requirement of most men and women. Much of our understanding about the potential risks associated with high phosphorus intake comes from the clinical experience with chronic kidney disease (CKD)4 patients in whom high serum phosphate concentration has been shown to be significantly associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. More important to general public health, similar epidemiologic associations of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and all-cause mortality with excess phosphorus consumption now have been described in the general population. Phosphorus in food additives, for example, is rapidly and almost completely absorbed, whereas food-bound phosphorus, a natural constituent of protein and other nutrients, is more slowly and less efficiently absorbed. Independent of the absolute amount of calcium or phosphorus consumed, the relative ratio of these 2 nutrients needs to be in optimal balance (1:1, mg:mg) to avoid disrupting their hormonal regulation.

2. For snacking kids age 0-5, snacks should be limited but not totally eliminated – 4 methods: 1) Unlimited Access to Snacks, 2) Sets Limits+Does Not Restrict Snacks, 3) Sets Limits+Restricts High Fat/Sugar Snacks, and 4) Sets Limits+Restricts All Snacks. Methods 1 and 4 from birth resulted in more obesity in children ages 5 to 7.

3. Exercise makes your brain prefer low-calorie foods – Conclusions: Exercise increases neural responses in reward-related regions of the brain in response to images of low-calorie foods and suppresses activation during the viewing of high-calorie foods.

4. Even decaffeinated coffee (4 cups daily) reduces fat accumulation in liver and muscles – Coffee consumption attenuates hepatic insulin resistance but not the increase of IHCLs induced by fructose overfeeding. This effect does not appear to be mediated by differences in the caffeine or chlorogenic acid content. Obesity is associated with ectopic lipid deposition in hepatic and skeletal muscle cells. These ectopic lipid stores may result, at least in part, from excessive intakes of dietary fats and sugars and are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance by generating intracellular lipid metabolites that interfere with insulin’s actions. Epidemiologic surveys have shown that high coffee consumption is associated with lower incidences of obesity and type 2 diabetes. These beneficial effects of coffee are also observed with decaffeinated coffee, indicating that components in coffee, other than caffeine, play a role in these effects.

5. Five g of BCAAs like leucine enhance muscle recovery after exercise – 40 men (21 ± 1 y) completed unilateral knee-extensor resistance exercise before the ingestion of 25 g whey protein (W25) (3.0 g leucine), 6.25 g whey protein (W6) (0.75g leucine), 6.25 g whey protein supplemented with leucine to 3.0 g total leucine (W6+Low-Leu), 6.25 g whey protein supplemented with leucine to 5.0 g total leucine (W6+High-Leu), or 6.25 g whey protein supplemented with leucine, isoleucine, and valine to 5.0 g total leucine. Conclusions: A low-protein (6.25 g) mixed macronutrient beverage can be as effective as a high-protein dose (25 g) at stimulating increased MPS rates when supplemented with a high (5.0 g total leucine) amount of leucine. These results have important implications for formulations of protein beverages designed to enhance muscle anabolism.

6. Telephone reminders reduce post-partum weight retention – Background: Excessive weight gain during pregnancy is a risk factor for postpartum weight retention and future weight gain and obesity. Conclusions: A low-intensity behavioral intervention in pregnancy can reduce 12-mo postpartum weight retention and improve dietary restraint and self-weighing in study completers.

7. Postpartum weight retention at 6 to 18 months is adverse even after 7 yrs – These findings show that postpartum weight retention at 6 mo and weight gain from 6 to 18 mo postpartum contribute equally to adverse maternal anthropometric measures 7 y after delivery. Breastfeeding duration may have a beneficial effect.

8. Fruit, veggies, and esp. berries, reduce diabetes risk

9. Increasing potassium intake is important when using salt – Reducing sodium in processed foods, the major public health strategy in Western countries, may be less effective in China, where salt intake remains high. Replacing sodium with potassium in salt to control and prevent hypertension in China should be considered along with other public health and clinical prevention options.

10. Mediterranean and DASH diets reduce risk of sudden cardiac death by 36%.

11. Red meat intake increases risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease

12. Eating breakfast increases exercise levels – Eating breakfast was associated with higher Daily physical activity (MVPA) on weekends. The time of peak MVPA differed between breakfast consumers and nonconsumers on weekends.

13. Low vitamin C may increase susceptibility to Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis – Crohn disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are 2 common inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) associated with intestinal inflammation and tissue damage. Oxidative stress is suggested to play a major role in the initiation and progression of IBD. Vitamin C (ascorbate, ascorbic acid) supplementation has reduced oxidative stress in persons with IBD.

14. High protein diet does not harm skeletal integrity – These data demonstrate that short-term consumption of high-protein diets does not disrupt calcium homeostasis and is not detrimental to skeletal integrity.

15. Carnitine (found in Juvenon) decreases bad cholesterol and inflammation– L-carnitine significantly decreased serum LDL and CRP. L-Carnitine is critical for the transportation of long-chain fatty acids across the inner mitochondrial membrane for subsequent β oxidation and energy production.

– Roc, Nutrition Investigator
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“How can I take care of this body and mind to keep them healthy so I can help others?” This is what the Buddha taught. –Living by vow, Okumura