SUBJECT: AJCN Jan 2014 Vitamins C, D, E, Mg and Whey

I missed this issue a year ago, but it has a lot of good evidence for healthy choices.

More evidence how amino acids in our diet shorten our health span (Consider joining the teaberry study related to this) – Our Teaberry Trial is a first step to discovering how specifc amino acids in the diet control mRNA translation which can reduce the development of chronic disease as you age.

Adequate vitamin D supplementation [2,000 IU per day] may reduce infectious disease – Over the past 5 y, dozens of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have examined the connection between vitamin D status and infection risk, with most focusing on risk of acute respiratory infection. This trial lends some support to the hypothesis that supplementation with 60,000 IU vitamin D/mo is associated with lower risk of infection, particularly in older adults.

Dietary intakes of antioxidants and magnesium are associated with lower risks of hearing loss

 20g dose of whey protein is optimal to promote muscle growth after exercise – The intake of whey, compared with casein and soy protein intakes, stimulates a greater acute response of muscle protein synthesis (MPS) to protein ingestion in rested and exercised muscle. A 20-g dose of whey protein is sufficient for the maximal stimulation of postabsorptive rates of myofibrillar MPS in rested and exercised muscle of ∼80-kg resistance-trained, young men.

High protein diet helps with weight loss maintenance after 1000 Calorie/day weight loss – After an initial very-low-calorie diet (VLCD)/low-calorie diet (LCD) period (<1000 kcal/d), anti-obesity drugs, meal replacements, and high-protein diets were associated with improved weight-loss maintenance, whereas no significant improvements were seen for dietary supplements and exercise.

Low vitamin E level nearly doubles your risk of bone fractures – Low intakes and low serum concentrations of α-tocopherol are associated with an increased rate of fracture in elderly women and men

For overweight women, prenatal exposure to PCBs increases risk of obesity

Fast food consumers are likely to eat a harmful Western diet routinely – Outside the fast food restaurant, fast food consumers ate Western diets, which might have stronger associations with overweight/obesity and poor dietary outcomes than fast food consumption itself.

Reduce depression risk 16% by eating a healthy diet – High intakes of fruit, vegetables, fish, and whole grains may be associated with a reduced depression risk.

How signals to build your muscles work – This review focuses on anabolic signaling pathways through which insulin, amino acids, and resistance exercise act to regulate the protein kinase complex referred to as mechanistic target of rapamycin complex (mTORC) 1.

– Roc, Nutrition Investigator
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“How can I take care of this body and mind to keep them healthy so I can help others?” This is what the Buddha taught. –Living by vow, Okumura