Linus Pauling Institute Fall/Winter 2007

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I recommend you subscribe to this newsletter, full of outstanding nutrition information based on the latest research from this institute. Here’s a few highlights worth noting:

Vitamin C kills cancer cells, especially at high doses. And the brain has the highest level of vitamin C of any organ in your body, where vitamin C protects your brain from oxidative damage implicated in many neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers.

Prof. Jirtle discussed how maternal nutrition affects disease risk in offspring. Maternal supplementation with B vitamins or soy reduced the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cancer in offspring. Many children born to mothers during the Dutch famine of 1944-5 developed health and mental problems, so eat when pregnant, do not diet. In mice, exposure to carcinogens during pregnancy caused cancer in offspring, but when the pregnant mice ate cruciferous vegetables, green tea, caffeine, offspring were substantially protected. Choline found in eggs, milk, wheat germ, and liver helped in fetal brain development, which even affects adult memory.

Physical exercise has substantial effects on adult mood and nerve function. Endurance and sprint training have different biochemical benefits, and vitamin E is necessary to prevent damage during that training. 75% of mortality from chronic disease can be related to weight.

COFFEE -Boiled coffee beans contain hazardous compounds that increase LDL and total cholesterol, but paper filters remove most of these hazardous compounds. BENEFITS of coffee include reducing risk of diabetes, Parkinson’s, liver disease, colorectal cancer, and to improve mood and alertness. HAZARDS exist to pregnant women if they drink large amounts of coffee. Most studies show no effect of coffee drinking on heart disease, cancer, or osteoporosis.

Maret Traber who led the Federal Panel on vitamin E levels that set the Daily Value at 22.5 IU per day reports on a new study of 29,000 people and she concludes that people may need at least 100 IU per day of vitamin E to obtain protective levels.