SUBJECT: Roc’s reading notes for Jan, 2015

Below are notes on other articles of interest I have read, when possible with links to the original publications. It is a lot to read, but friends who have saved the 10 minutes it takes are now getting cancer and heart attacks and Alzheimer’s. Please give me a few minutes and reduce your risks substantially.

A. The latest AARP Bulletin reported there is nothing one can do to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s, as it pleaded for more Federal funding for research.  But in the same article, it revealed that exercise does reduce the risk. And below are several more actions that will reduce the risk: cocoa (9e), vitamin C (9h), vitamin E (9m), and coffee (10).  See my website page for more actions.  There is also a great article in AJCN July 2014 supplement on how nuts and berries reduce and partially reverse cognitive decline.  To join the Teaberry Trial and receive measurements how blueberries and green tea improve your brain function, click here.

B. From Science 19 Dec 2014 – Transfusion of blood from young mice to old mice reverses aging in both muscles and brain – effectively a fountain of youth. Already this concept is in clinical trials for treating Alzheimer’s patients.

1. It is ironic that just as I have been diagnosed with a cataract when only 66 yrs old, I have found reports of how vitamin C may contribute to cataract development.  Ascorbate likely to contribute to development of cataracts –

2. Science 2 Jan pg 38 – men who smoke are 3 times more likely to show loss of Y chromosomes in their blood cells.

3. Science 2 Jan pg 39 – An immunological fountain of youth – An inhibitor of the mTOR pathway substantially boosted the vaccine-induced immunological defenses of elderly subjects.


4. New Yorker 1/15/15 pg 38 The Talking Cure – how talking to infants is vital to success.  Parents who speak more, give more encouragement and more complex responses to babbling infants have more successful children.

5. Outstanding Review Article Effect of Antioxidants Supplementation on Aging and Longevity, BioMed Research International Vol 2014, Article ID 404680, 17 pages

6. Reducing blood sugar – it turns out the VERY POTENT active ingredient in reducing blood sugar (confirmed  per my long term experiments)  is 4-hydroxy-L-isoleucine. A guy is marketing the turmeric-fenugreek combination I told you all about for $100 for 30 pills, and ALDRICH is selling purified FENUGREEK extract, the mantra now is ANTHOCYANINS and SAFFRON!

7 . Vitamin C reduces cold duration and severity – 2013 Jan 3

8. Food insufficiency in childhood increases risk of dementia when older.

9. Linus Pauling Institute Fall Winter Newsletter 2014
A. Current status of vitamin C and the common cold – Recent studies:  1. 200 or more mg regularly reduces duration of colds, and 250 to 2,000mg/day reduces the incidence of colds.
B. Getting 500 mg daily reduced the risk of getting 3 or more colds in a 5 year period by 66%.
C. Those getting 1,000mg daily are 40% less likely to get a cold, and duration is decreased nearly 60%.
D. Vitamin C may reduce cold symptoms by an antihistamine effect caused by 2,000 mg/day, but not by 1,000mg/day.
E. The FLAVIOLA study found that cocoa flavonol intake improves arterial flow-mediated dilation, lowers blood pressure, and reduces arterial stiffness. Spencer reported 500mg improves executive brain function and memory, not for antioxidant value but by inhibition of neuroinflammation and improved signaling, plasticity, and blood flow.
F. Ingestion of anthocyanins (like in blueberries and grapes) reduces blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke, type 2 diabetes.
G. Olives and olive oil target mitochondria, reducing age-related disorders.
H. Oxidized cholesterol is critical to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin C reduces the formation of oxidized cholesterol.
I. 800 IU of vitamin E improved patients with fatty liver and prevented weight gain observed with standard drug therapy.
J. Increasing levels of alpha-tocopherol improved lung function during allergic inflammation.
K. Statins lower vitamin E levels and inhibit muscle repair [and are therefore to be avoided if possible].
L. Obese children and adults especially will benefit from vitamin E supplementation.
M. Vitamin E slows the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
N. Adequate vitamin E levels are especially important during the first 1,000 days after conception and when elderly.

10. From Jan/Feb 2015 Sci Am Mind- Pg 10 – coffee and tea may protect your brain- Coffee lowers the risk of depression slightly.  Tea may well help also.  Coffee is also likely to reduce the risk to the brain from Alzheimers.

11. DENTAL prophylaxis decreases the risk of acute myocardial infarction a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan
Authors: Lee YL, Hu HY, Chou P, Chu D

– Roc, Nutrition Investigator
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This is the true joy in life:  being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; being a force of nature instead of a feverish clod — George Bernard, 1907