Student Advice to Parents and Wiki writing from Nutrition Investigator Roc

My class has edited many wiki pages related to nutrition, from DHA to wheatgrass,  nutrition for public schools to protein supplements for athletes.  See the list with links here:

And here is the final writing of my nutrition course students, who decided the most important nutrition advice to give their parents:
1. Sing and dance every day.
2. Be conscious of what you put in your body.
3. Eat a plant based diet. Set an example by eating fruits and vegetables.
4. Eat a handful of nuts every day.
5. Take 500mg of vitamin C in the morning and at night.
6. Eat blueberries every day.
7. Make exercise a priority. Set an example for kids by exercising.
8. Have lots of fun with olive oil!
9. Keep a positive attitude.
10. Consume less food derived from four-legged animals.

*To review the disclaimer. *To ask Nutrition Investigator (Roc) a question.
Roc Ordman for appointments or phoning pls email 24hrs ahead
Professor, Biochemistry, Beloit College
We have to reconsider our idea of happiness. To be happy is the real success.  The practice of meditation can help you suffer less and be happy. Thich Nhat Hanh