Increasing the odds of determining the sex of your child

From the internet: Is there a way to conceive a baby boy?

We now know that there’s nothing you can do in the bedroom to influence whether you have a baby boy or a baby girl. Though there’s a slightly greater chance you’ll have a baby boy (due to the ratio of male to female births), sex positions, timing sex, and your vaginal pH have no bearing.Dec 16, 2021

From Nutrition Investigator:

Most people do not realize how much progress was made before 1988 on how to increase the odds of having a male child.  Having had three daughters already, when my wife wanted another child, I agreed, explaining that I would like to have a boy this time, though I would also be happy if the child was a girl.

I spent a few weeks studying the scientific literature and learned the following advice, which I concluded increased the odds of having a boy to 90%.

  1. The future father should wear loose underwear, boxers, to keep his testicles cool. Male sperm are weaker and do not survive warm temperatures as well.
  2. Do not have sex very often. That increases the percentage of male sperm.
  3. Both parents should drink a lot of coffee an hour before having sex together as male sperm prefer the acidic environment coffee provides.

Using Non-Invasive Methods to Choose Gender; Sex Selection with Diet and Determination of Ovulation Time in Iran – 82.95% achieved the wanted gender

Three months before trying to pregnancy, the women were monitored for nutrition and ovulation. Using a combination of high sodium and potassium foods will increase the likelihood of having a male child, and foods with high calcium and magnesium will increase to form a female fetus. Accordingly, the composition of food in the pre-pregnancy period, particularly in women, can change that group’s sex ratio (29,30). Male sperm carrying a chromosome (Y) is smaller than the female sperm carrying a chromosome (X) and hence, has a faster speed; accordingly, sexual intercourse should be done in proportion to the time of ovulation (31,32).

Intercourse in the days before ovulation was recommended to have a daughter (a female child), and attempting to conceive on the day of ovulation was recommended to have a son (a male child).

I also encountered the Shettles method. Key points of the Shettles method include: sex close to ovulation, sperm deposited close to the cervix using positions allowing for deep penetration, alkaline environment in the vagina, woman having an orgasm first