Results of explosion in aging research

With billionaires wanting to live longer, here are some results of the explosion in aging research.  I have been studying human aging since I began teaching at Beloit College.  I asked myself what the big research questions would be in 10 years when my students were entering the research community.  I came up with 3 questions. 1) How does the brain work? No methods were then available. (Now we understand much more than in 1982!). 2)  Why do we need to sleep? We know that answer now. To wash the brain and consolidate learning. 3) Why do we age?  For this, I had ideas.  The free radical theory of aging proposed that free radical oxidation caused us to rust out, just as oxygen rusts the metal of an old car.  Linus Pauling hypothesized that vitamin C would prevent that oxidation, but did not know how much we should take.  I came up with an idea, did a clinical trial with students, and found the optimum oral dosage to saturate the blood with vitamin C-500 mg once in the morning and again at night. This became the banner headline on page 1 of USA Today around the world.  I was hooked.

Here are brief explanations of major hypotheses for which there is evidence they cause age-associated disease and decline.

  1. Thefree radical theory of aging: Developed by Denham Harman, a host of diseases are attributed to free radicals. To lessen free radical damage, one can consume vitamin C 500 mg twice a day, the amount of vitamin E in AREDsII which also prevents macular degeneration, and eat a diet of colorful fruits and vegetables that contain a variety of antioxidants.
    2. Inflammation(or “Inflammaging” ): Another cause of chronic disease, causing plaque in the arteries, cancer, etc. To slow this, eat less red meat, more fish, and relax. The daily news causes stress, and stress is a major cause of inflammation.
    3. Telomere shortening.  The length of telomeres, which are caps on the end of DNA, preserve our genetic information to allow longevity. Actions that shorten telomeres include stress and a high metabolic rate.   Consuming antioxidants, staying fit, and relaxing are all useful to keep long telomeres. Note that EGCG and quercetin found in Mito-C help maintain telomere length (1).
    4. The Translational Infidelity Error Theory of Aging by Dr. Rolf Martin: The basic mechanism is that mRNA is translated incorrectly, incorporating the wrong amino acids into proteins that then fold improperly (based on the AA error theory of  Wolfgang Freist). These proteins are either destroyed, causing a shortage of needed proteins, or worse, remain malfunctioning and accumulating as hazardous waste similar to plaque in Alzheimer’s.  Processes that may lessen functional proteins being lost in translation include: 1) increasing the availability of needed amino acids, 2) slowing the rate of translation to increase accuracy, 3) providing time for better proofreading, 4) increasing degradation of misfolded proteins, or 5) diluting the accumulated damage by half through cell division. Helpful actions likely include getting exercise, eating blueberries, drinking green tea, and adjusting the diet to include beneficial foods such as tomatoes, onions, strawberries, and cabbage, which contain less common amino acids.  I designed the supplement Mito-C to slow this damage.
    5. Microbiome destruction – The microbiome is the tremendous numbers of microorganisms that inhabit our intestines, skin, etc.  It contains milllions more genes than our own DNA.  Science now shows that it is responsible for our immune systems, inflammation, weight, and much more. We inherit our microbiomes from our mother’s during natural birth.  Antibiotics destroy it so it must be carefully maintained.  Eating fiber, fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut enhance your microbiome, while highly processed foods, preservatives and even anti-bacterial cleaning agents, damage it.
    6. Cellular Senescence – Just as telomeres exhaust our cells, other age-related processes cause our cells to lose the ability to divide.  While some senescent cells are beneficial, many produce harmful products and cause inflammation, especially producing arthritis. Many of the supplements listed below destroy senescent cells to prevent the damaging secretions and cancer they produce.
    7. Thymus failure – As we age, our immune systems grow progressively weaker, with diminished ability to produce B and T cells or respond to antigens sensitively. Vaccines for older adults often have higher doses of antigen.  Getting vaccinated regularly promotes immune health, and also decreases your risk of Alzheimers by promoting immune cells that destroy plaque.
    8. Systemic length-associated transcriptome imbalance – mRNA transcript length alone explains most transcriptional changes observed with aging in humans. Three lines of evidence support the biological importance of the uncovered transcriptome imbalance.  This is a major cause of protein misfolding, so follow similar steps to reduce both problems.
    9. Deficiency in various vital molecules – There are many molecules that diminish in concentration in areas of the body where they are required, especially in mitochondria, “the power house of the cells” where ATP is generated.  Science is discovering many substances that diminish as we age.  For instance, much lower niacin levels in mitochondria with age lower the ability to make NAD+ that is essential for energy production, making us more fatigued when older.  SAMe is the molecule that prevents depression.  Kids make a lot of it, but as we age, it is necessary to take as a supplement. SAMe regulates adrenalin.

Discoveries like these are accelerating rapidly as the population ages, and NIH and billionaires are spending fortunes to find ways to age more pleasantly, and perhaps extend lifespan dramatically through genetic engineering techniques and other modern methods.

As of now, the most important realization accepted by everyone is that exercise is the first key.  Regular moderate exercise of 30 minutes per day at least 4 days weekly is essential to optimal healthspan.

The list of supplements I take are all related to healthspan, linked here.  Each nutrient has two links next to them, the first showing where I buy mine, the second explaining why I take each one. Here are some of the major ones from that list.  I prioritize them as well as I can.

AREDsII – Determined by long studies at Johns Hopkins, this delays the development of macular degeneration, has a necessary amount of the antioxidant vitamin E required in addition to vitamin C.

SAMe – This is a molecule children make naturally that decreases as we age.  It regulates adrenalin, which makes us happy and sad.  The reason many older people become depressed is they lack enough SAMe to produce energy and enthusiasm. The New Yorker had a great article explaining that no commercial antidepressant works any better than placebo. Most psychiatrists simply prescribe one after another until one works by confirmation bias, not real effectiveness.  There is an exception.  SAMe really works, and prevents depression.

Olive oil is vital to Mediterranean diet. Butter is hazardous to longevity, and olive oil is used in most nations outside the US instead of butter.  Butter has omega-6 fatty acids that promote inflammation.

Taurine is the latest touted as a molecule to slow aging.  It is especially important for older people, as it reduces sarcopenia and neurodegenerative problems like Alzheimer’s, which start developing for most people in their 50s – though initial molecular changes eventually leading to Alzheimer’s may begin in our 30s.

Mito-C is a product I designed to prevent protein misfolding, which is a major cause of diseases associated with aging, from arthritis to mental disorders. Like Alzheimer’s, protein misfolding begins much earlier than symptoms appear. Misfolded proteins are like junk that accumulates in our cells, and just as garbage cans overflow if not emptied, the same happens in our cells.

Niacin is the vitamin that forms NADH, which is the primary energy producer in our bodies. It was discovered around 2018 that we have much less in our bodies, thus causing fatigue as we age.

Triumph is the supplement I developed to prevent the recurrence of superficial bladder carcinoma.  This may occur in people with a family history of bladder cancer or cigarette smokers.

Alpha-ketoglutarate, AKG, is a molecule in the citric acid cycle, the pathway that burns sugar to produce NADH to make energy.  This is another molecule which diminishes with age and requires supplementation. From 2016, “AKG not only extends lifespan, but also delays age-related disease (in worms).” There is no known hazard.”

Spermidine was added in 2022 to the list of nutrients that diminish with age.  Supplementation in mature people activates aged T-cells and improves anti-tumor immunity.  Range of dosage suggested 10mg up to 50mg/day. The results demonstrated a clear correlation between the intake of spermidine and the improvement in cognitive performance in subjects with mild and moderate dementia.

See the entire list at my website, linked here.  Most doctors get little education about how to maintain health, only how to prescribe supplements that make pharmaceutical executives wealthy.  It is much easier to stay healthy than to regain health.  A little effort pays back for decades.