LETTER: SENT Nov 11, 2021: SUBJ: Invitation to Nutritioninvestigator.org online diary

Thanks for the kind responses to my proposal for a diary of what GRG members do to prolong their lives.  I ask your assistance in deciding how to do this.

These are initials of participants. I will gladly invite others.  I do not think it can be posted on GRG, so as not to infringe on Johnny’s turf. AC, ALG, ANG, AS, BC, BD, CC, DB, DG, EI, Er, ET, GH, GK, JC, JF, JH, JL, JP, JS,JW, KD, KM, KS, KU, LI, MB,MJ,  NQ, OO, Ow, OZ,PW Ra, RN, RO, TI, WC

I plan to set up an index page with links to each person’s separate page. Index page will have your initials.  I had 38 sets of initials in my first email, which is everyone whose emails I have found in postings.

The index page (LINKED HERE)could also have a chart:  male or female, married or single, age when their information was first submitted in 2021, weight, health condition, total daily OTC supplements, total daily pharmaceuticals, average amount of exercise-minutes per day effort of walking, jogging, sprinting.

On each person’s page, I would list details with the date of each entry.  Here is a link to my first page entry so you can see what I will look like, and what information it has.  Each time I add or substract things, I will put a new date and what was changed.

If we all do this until we die, updated when we have news/chronic illness/changes, we might actually see what helps.  When I am 130, I expect many will realize my supplement choices are shrewd.

Please make suggestions!  Thanks, Roc