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SUBJ: Taking vitamin B3 supplements have beneficial effects

SUBtitle: Ways to extend your healthspan

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SHORT NOTES: Best way to deal with Alzheimers is to prevent it: vit B3, Mito-C;  Vitamin B3/Niacin supplementation dramatically and beneficially raises growth hormone levels; Foods to extend your life: nuts, olive oil, dark leafy greens, whole grains, fruits, legumes, green tea, 11 minutes of exercise, Lessons from the longest-living place on Earth; “Japanese scientists develop vaccine to eliminate cells causing aging;  Scientists have developed a method of removing copper ions that cause the toxic buildup of amyloid plaque in Alzheimer’s patients;  A technique for interrupting the first stage of sleep helps people solve a math problem – the same approach was used by Thomas Edison and Salvador Dali


Best way to deal with Alzheimers is to prevent it: vit B3, Mito-C: A diet with a relatively high amount of vitamin B3 from regular foods such as chicken, peanuts and tuna protects against Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin B3/Niacin supplementation dramatically and beneficially raises growth hormone levels  for several hours.  Pilot Study-Effects of Niacin Administration on FFAs-Free Fatty Acid & Growth Hormone in Obese Children Galescu OA Crocker MK Altschul AM Marwitz SE Brady SM Yanovski JA Pediatr Obesity 9-21-2016.

AARP: Foods to extend your life: nuts, olive oil, dark leafy greens, whole grains, fruits, legumes, green tea, 11 minutes of exercise, Lessons from the longest-living place on Earth

“Japanese scientists develop vaccine to eliminate cells behind aging” A Japanese research team said it developed a vaccine to remove so-called zombie cells that accumulate with age and damage nearby cells, causing aging-related diseases including arterial stiffening. The team, including Juntendo University professor Toru Minamino, confirmed that mice administered with the vaccine showed decreases in the zombie cells, medically known as senescent cells, and in areas affected by arterial stiffening. “We can expect that (the vaccine) will be applied to the treatment of arterial stiffening, diabetes and other aging-related diseases,” Minamino said. The results of the team’s research were published in the online version of the journal Nature Aging on Friday. [Ed. Note: vigorous exercise also destroys senescent cells, and that vitamin C reduces plaque and maintains flexibility in arteries]

Breakthrough in Alzheimer’s research. Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute have developed a method of removing copper ions that cause the toxic buildup of amyloid plaque in Alzheimer’s patients. Professor Galia Maayan and PhD student Anastasia Behar have patented the groundbreaking “chelation” (extraction) process.

A technique for interrupting the first stage of sleep helps people solve a math problem – the same approach was used by Thomas Edison and Salvador Dali. Mind 8 December 2021 Where does creativity come from? According to people such as the US inventor Thomas Edison, our inventiveness surges during an unusual state of mind as we drift into sleep. New support for this idea comes from a study that finds people gain insight into a tricky math problem if they are allowed to enter the initial stages of sleep, then woken up. When people fall asleep they may spend a few minutes in a state called hypnagogia or “N1”, often characterised by vivid dreams – although usually people progress into deep sleep and forget the dreams when they wake. When facing difficult problems, Edison used to harness this state by making himself wake up before he could fall more deeply asleep. He did this by holding a steel ball in each hand as he drifted off. As he lost consciousness and dropped the balls, the noise would jerk him awake. Others such as the Spanish artist Salvador Dali have also used their creative insights from this half-asleep state. Delphine Oudiette at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Paris has long been interested in her own experiences of hypnagogia, so she tested the link with creativity objectively by getting people to tackle a math problem. They were given eight-digit number sequences and had to manipulate them in a certain way by applying two rules, until they reached a final answer. They weren’t told that a simple shortcut would also give the right answer every time. Oudiette’s team asked 103 people to carry out the math task, then they were given a 20-minute break where they were encouraged to nod off by lying back in a reclining chair in a darkened room with their eyes closed. The 16 per cent of participants who cracked the shortcut before the sleep stage of the study were excluded. Similar to Edison’s technique, people were asked to hold a bottle in a hand, set up so if they fell asleep and dropped it, the noise could wake them. The volunteers also had electrodes placed on their scalp so the researchers would know if they did indeed fall asleep. Using this method, 24 people had at least one 30-second episode of N1 sleep during their rest; another 14 passed through N1 into a deeper stage of sleep, while the rest didn’t fall asleep at all. After the rest, these volunteers carried out the math task a second time. On this occasion, 83 per cent of those who had only reached the N1 stage worked out the hidden shortcut. The success rates for those who stayed awake or progressed to N2 sleep were 31 per cent and 14 per cent respectively. Oudiette believes the N1 stage of sleep leads to creative insights because it is a halfway stage between being awake and unconscious. “We can go exploring, but at the same time potentially identify patterns that could be useful for us,” she says. “It’s a good balance.” Adam Haar Horowitz at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says the study found exciting results using a well-defined creative task. “Hypnagogia is really a new kind of consciousness that people haven’t explored,” he says. Haar Horowitz has developed a hand-worn device called Dormio that is designed to wake people up as they enter the N1 stage.

Nicotinic Acid (Vitamin B3) structure

Essential for NADH, DNA, etc.