SUBJ: Saturated Fat Intake reduces Memory Performance in Middle-Aged Adults

SUBtitle: Family Support Moderates Pregnancy Stress, Depression, and Insomnia

Now being sent before Saturday morning

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1..Saturated Fat Intake reduces Memory Performance in Middle-Aged Adults.

2..Family Support Moderates Pregnancy Stress, Depressive Symptoms, and Insomnia.

3..A non-surgical option a partial for rotator cuff tear.

4..Elevated serum ferritin correlates with all-cause mortality in overweight/obese patients.

5..A first-of-its-kind system for treating carotid artery disease.

6..AI is your doctor’s Lavaa Health’s platform can identify disease and hard-to-diagnose illnesses at the earliest stage.

7..No-mask solution for sleep apnea.

8..Safety shot may mitigate the negative effects induced by acute alcohol intake.

9..Worst habits for your eyes-smoking; staring at your smart phone- two hours is enough to bring about digital eye strain; …


Dietary Saturated Fat Intake Moderates the Effect of Plasma Triglycerides on Memory Performance in Middle-Aged Adults. Diet quality, as indicated by adherence to dietary guidelines, supports cognitive health. Elevated triglycerides combined with a high ratio of dietary saturated fat intake were associated with poorer memory performance.

Family Support Moderates the Relationship Between Pregnancy Stress, Depressive Symptoms, and Insomnia.  Increased pregnancy stress and increased depressive symptoms could trigger insomnia symptoms. Depressive symptoms mediated the path from between pregnancy stress and insomnia symptoms. Family support weakened  the link between pregnancy stress and insomnia symptoms


Have you been told you have a partial rotator cuff tear? Surgery may have also been recommended, but you would like to avoid that. So what else can you do? At OrthoRegen®, you have a non-surgical option.


Association of Serum Ferritin Levels With Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Overweight/Obese US Populations: A Population-Based Study From the NHANES. Ferritin levels in overweight/obese individuals show a U-shaped relationship with Obstructive Sleep Apnea risk, and elevated levels correlate with increased all-cause mortality in female overweight/obese OSA patients.

Unblocking the carotid arteries. Israel’s Pylon Medical has developed a first-of-its-kind system for treating carotid artery disease, one of the leading risk factors for stroke. Pylon’s new “specialty kit” includes a balloon catheter, an artery closure device, and an aspiration system that removes plaque in clogged neck blood vessels. Current solutions for clearing the clogged blood vessels include surgically opening the arteries and cleaning out the plaque, or the insertion of a stent that widens the blood vessel. These methods have long recovery times, sometimes resulting in additional complications.  “We make a small puncture of 2.5 millimeters and introduce a balloon catheter; then we can place a stent to revascularize the vessel or open the vessel up and improve the bloodstream.”

AI is your doctor’s best friend. Israel’s Lavaa Health’s platform can identify disease and hard-to-diagnose illnesses at the earliest stage, allowing doctors to quickly draw up efficient treatment plans. It uses AI to connect a person’s medical data with its own massive database and identify hard-to-diagnose or rare illnesses.


No-mask solution for sleep apnea. (TY Sharon) Another Israeli startup presenting at the Conference of Presidents’ “Resilience Panel” was appscent medical. Its SCENTIFIC® device is the world’s first non-intrusive, contactless, drug-free home use solution for the potentially dangerous sleep apnea condition. Appscent Medical is transforming the sleep solutions landscape with SCENTIFIC®, the world’s first non-intrusive, contactless, drug-free medical device designed for home use. Our breakthrough technology alleviates sleep apnea and snoring, providing a seamless and comfortable experience.

A Novel Blend of Dietary Ingredients Mitigates Blood and Breath Ethanol Levels After Acute Alcohol Intake.  Supplement blend (Safety shot) (B-vitamins, calcium, potassium,   magnesium, choline) was effective in reducing Plasma Alcohol, Alcohol Levels of Expiratory Air, and enhancing subjective mood ratings over a 4-hr post alcohol-consumption period vs PL. Thus, SS may mitigate the negative effects induced by acute alcohol intake.

AARP-worst habits for your eyes-smoking; staring at your smart phone- two hours is enough to bring about digital eye strain; Not wearing sunglasses;  Sleeping in your contact lenses; Rubbing your eyes; Sleeping with your makeup on; Heavy drinking; Skimping on nutrients (take AREDsII)