SUBJ:  Older adults do not realize when they need to drink more water.

SUBtitle: Avoid reinfection with COVID, get revaccinated.

Now I just want to keep my name

Not bother anybody’s game

Without ideas of gold or fame

Or insane heights

-Peter Paul and Mary Rolling Home

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1..Older adults do not realize when they need to drink more water.

2..Avoid reinfection with COVID, get revaccinated.

3..Guest: Alfred “Roc” Ordman, Learn from his insights on this week’s show.

4..Ultra-processed food is “industrially manufactured food products”.

5..Clowns relieve the ultimate pain.

6..An AI decision-support system based on personal genetic information.

7..Advice to those who are losing sleep during these difficult times.

8..Researchers have devised a method of reducing brain inflammation.

9..Reversing skin aging. Exosomes instrumental in rejuvenating multiple tissues.

10..Five ways to reduce your dementia risk.

11..Eight medications causing weight gain.


Another older friend with kidney stones.  Older adults do not realize when they need to drink more water.  Have a big glass in the morning and before going to bed at night.

Avoid reinfection with COVID, get revaccinated. Plasma protein and brain structural imaging evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is associated with greater brain β-amyloid pathology in older adults, particularly those hospitalized or with hypertension.… open-access


Host: David DeRose, MD, MPH. Guest: Alfred “Roc” Ordman, PhD., Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry, Beloit College. Description: Biochemist and teacher, Dr. Roc Ordman has spent his life distilling the medical research literature on the topic of nutrition. Learn from his insights on this week’s show. For more information, contact or Must sign in to spotify:


While there is no universally accepted definition, the NOVA food classification system is widely used, and it defines ultra-processed food as “industrially manufactured food products made up of several ingredients including sugar, oils, fats and salt (generally in combination and in higher amounts than in processed foods) and food substances of no or rare culinary use (such as high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, modified starches and protein isolates).”  TrueFood helps select less processed foods in grocery stores.


Clowns relieve the ultimate pain. (TY Irene) This article features medical clowns alleviating both physical and mental suffering – for children and adults. (Aside, I went to see a friend in hospital recently who was visited by clowns while he was on a video call to his work office. “You’re at the circus!” his colleagues exclaimed.)

Does your DNA define you? Israel’s OMGene is developing an AI decision-support system based on personal genetic information. It links the genome to a database of health, psychological, and social characteristics, from thousands of individuals and generates recommendations e.g., on sleeping, relationships, hobbies, health etc.


Get a good night’s sleep. Prof. Giora Pillar, head of Sleep Clinics at Clalit Health Services in Haifa and the Western Galilee, gives plenty of advice to those who are losing sleep during these difficult times.

NF-κB, in particular, has been well documented; many papers on age-related diseases have pinpointed it as a problem and potential target. Researchers have devised a method of reducing brain inflammation by creating a long-lasting inhibitor of the inflammatory factor NF-κB, exosomes loaded with a nondegradable form of IκB (Exo-srIκB), which inhibits the nuclear translocation of NF-κB to suppress age-related neuroinflammation.


While senomorphics appear to be a viable strategy, they are still in their infancy. One potential strategy involves exosomes: messenger particles that are regularly sent by cells. Previous work with hESC-derived exosomes (hESC-Exos) has found that their contents are instrumental in rejuvenating multiple tissues [3]. Restoring Cellular Proliferation Through Exosomes – Treated mice lived longer and were in much better health. In Cell Metabolism.

Reversing skin aging: One of the characteristics of an aging organism is the accumulation of senescent cells. Various approaches are being developed to remove or neutralize those cells. Senescent cells produce the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), a cocktail of chemokines, pro-inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and proteases [2]. While the SASP might have many deleterious effects, it can be a double-edged sword. Some of these many molecules have positive effects, such as attracting immune cells, which can eliminate senescent cells [3]. Precise modulation of the SASP can be a potent strategy for senescent cell elimination. When the researchers tested the impact of  low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on the expression of multiple SASP molecules, they learned that “LIPUS stimulation specifically increased the expression of immune cell attraction markers in the ‘late cells.’” This increased expression led to an increased migration of immune cells, specifically monocytes and specific families of macrophages, towards these stimulated cells. Ultimately, it resulted in the ingestion and elimination of the ‘late cells’ by macrophages in a process called phagocytosis. LIPUS treatment increased SASP markers for immune cell attraction in a UVA-induced skin aging model. This increase translated into more attraction of immune cells than with UVA irradiation alone. At the same time, LIPUS treatment significantly reduced the number of cells with senescence markers, suggesting a decrease in these cells. The researchers summarized that “these data suggest that senescent cells could be eliminated by macrophage infiltration via LIPUS stimulation.”

5 ways to reduce your dementia risk as study estimates U.S. cases could double by 2060.


AARP: 8 medications causing weight gain: injectable insulin, antidepressants (use SAMe instead), beta-blockers, oral corticosteroids, migraine meds, antihistamines, anti-epilepsy drugs, antipsychotics.  See here for solutions.