SUBJ: Looks like this potential “holy grail” is getting closer to humans!
SUBtitle: Fit people live up to 7 years longer than couch potatoes.
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1..Looks like this potential “holy grail” is getting closer to humans!
2..Two sessions of muscle-strengthening exercises a day. Fit people live up to 7 years longer than couch potatoes.
3..New routes to lower mortality: taxi drivers havea 4% lower Alzheimer’s disease mortality.
4..A red dye ban in the news
5..Immunotherapy can slow aging process.
6..Peoples’ immunity was made a cool 11 years younger by a mix of Supplementation
7..Hostages: The female Professor who discovered boosting the immune system slows aging.
8..Scientists identify a new blood group. “AnWj-negative”.
9..I like functional biomarkers that are direct measures of the end results we seek.
Looks like this potential “holy grail” is getting closer to humans! Open Access at: Aging is a complex progression of changes best characterized as the chronic dysregulation of cellular processes leading to deteriorated tissue and organ function. Although aging cannot currently be prevented, its impact on life- and healthspan in the elderly can potentially be minimized by interventions that aim to return these cellular processes to optimal function. Recent studies have demonstrated that partial reprogramming using the Yamanaka factors (or a subset; OCT4, SOX2, and KLF4; OSK) can reverse age-related changes in vitro and in vivo
The Economist Jan 18 pg 77 Should you start lifting weights? The World Health Organization now recommends 2 sessions of muscle-strengthening exercises a day. Fit people live up to 7 years longer than couch potatoes. These exercises help to regulate metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and cholesterol levels. It may reduce the risk for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It can prevent or treat sarcopenia. Muscles start shrinking in one’s 30s, especially fast acting type-2 fibers responsible for explosive strength.
Science 17 Jan pg258-New routes to lower mortality: Deaths linked to Alzheimer’s disease have increased in recent decades, adding pressure to identify prevention strategies. The hippocampus, a brain region involved in Alzheimer’s disease development, may be more protected when individuals frequently exercise spatial and navigational processing, such as driving through new settings. Patel et al. investigated whether people with occupations that require navigating unpredictable routes, such as taxi drivers, have lower Alzheimer’s disease mortality. They found that across nearly 9 million people, almost 4% died from Alzheimer’s disease, but the rate of taxi and ambulance drivers’ deaths from this disease was near 1%, the lowest across 443 occupations. This advantage was not observed for aircraft pilots or other drivers who relied on predictable, predetermined routes.
With a red dye ban in the news, here’s the best (reality-based) explanation I’ve heard so far:
Immunotherapy can slow aging process. Israel Prize winner, Weizmann Institute’s Prof. Michal Schwartz and her research team are working on a groundbreaking treatment to boost immune cells relevant to the brain, cure brain diseases, and slow the aging process. Schwartz founded Israel’s ImmunoBrain (see here previously).
The results of a recently reported prospective, randomized, and double-blind trial suggest peoples’ immunity was made a cool 11 years younger by a mix of
AM3-P (20%) (150 mg) (ie: “Immunoferon”); spermidine (0.6 mg); hesperidin (50 mg); 2-hydrate calcium phosphate (299.07 mg); ZN sulfate (8.33 mg) and talcum powder (25 mg). The report is Human Supplementation with AM3, Spermidine, and Hesperidin Enhances Immune Function, Decreases Biological Age, and Improves Oxidative–Inflammatory State: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Hostages saved by the middle east treaty: The female Professor who discovered boosting the immune system slows aging. The two Israeli female members of the international team that identified a new blood group. And the female Israeli doctor leading the European project to reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease.
Scientists identify a new blood group. (TY Yanky) In 1972, doctors discovered a woman missing a surface molecule found on all other known red bloods. 50 years later, Israeli and UK researchers have finally identified it as a new blood group, “AnWj-negative”. It will help provide better care for these patients.
From GRG: I like functional biomarkers that are direct measures of the end results we seek. Favorite = most useful
- Exercise stamina
- Number memory
- Reaction time