SUBJ: Sauerkraut is a true superfood.

SUBtitle: Aged neurons do not register their energy need. A reason to take Mito-C

“So many conditions of happiness are available, you don’t have to run into the future in order to get more.”. ― Thich Nhat Hanh. Happy New Year from Roc.  Thanks for the many thanks and donations!

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1..Sauerkraut is not only loaded with probiotics, it is a true superfood.

2..Aged neurons do not register their energy need. Another reason to take Mito-C.

3..Psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin may improve cognition for autistic people.

4..Bacteriophage are safer and more effective than antibiotics.

5..Get your COVID booster each year.  Long COVID has long term damage.

6..GRG person put my thoughts in my blog post on how to defeat biological aging.

7..Prenatal testing technology can detect 250 hereditary genetic disorders from a maternal blood sample.

Science 20 Dec pg 1333-Psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin may improve cognition for autistic people for 6 months after a dose; pg 1349-aged neurons do not register their energy need because their mitochondria stop functioning properly-Another reason to take Mito-C designed to support mitochondria. Purchase here.  Pg 1354-Return on the phage. Bacteriophage are safer and more effective than antibiotics and may gradually replace them.  Pg1361 – Get your COVID booster each year.  Long COVID has long term damage and costs. 2 million in the UK have long term covid, nearly 3 in 4 took sick days throughout the 6 month period of study, and one in 3 could not work at all. It cost the UK economy 20 billion pounds annually.


From GRG: I’ve put together my thoughts in my blog post on how to defeat biological aging including: What is aging? Why do we age? How do we age?

What causes aging? How do we defeat biological aging? Here is the link.


Detecting 250 genetic diseases. The non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) technology from Israel’s IdentifAI (see here previously) can detect any of 250 hereditary genetic disorders from a maternal blood sample. It isolates and performs full genetic sequencing of fetal DNA as early as nine weeks of pregnancy.