Title How to spread the nutrition news?

  1. Should the newsletter be a. longer. shorter.  C. the same
  2. Do you read it a. always. sometimes.   C. rarely
  3. Do you understand the content. completely.  B. mostly.  C. not enough
  4. Have you suggested your email friends to subscribe. A. yes. no
  5. Do you think reading the short notes supports your behavior to be healthier? A. definitely yes. B. probably yes. C. not really
  6. Do you discuss what you read in the newsletter with others? A. yes. B. no
  7. Are you aware that you can conduct a key word search of all past newsletters at nutritioninvestigator.org? a. Yes b. No
  8. Have you ever done a search like that? yes. B. no
  9. Please email ordman@beloit.edu with any suggestions how to improve the newsletter.

