SUBJ: Able to rejuvenate the body in the foreseeable future!

SUBtitle: Every year we age, science extends our life expectancy by 4 months

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The longevity debate: “The epigenome is what matters” “My belief is that the amount of informatic redundancy that exists is sufficient for us to be able to rejuvenate the body in the foreseeable future.”

NPR Science Friday: Currently every year we age, science extends our life expectancy by 4 months.  With the exponentially growth of scientific knowledge, in the near future it is likely that life expectancy will increase a year every year we age.

About 73% of American adults are “obese”.

Fatty 15 reduces the risk for bladder cancer and kidney stones.  Mothers with higher 15:0 fatty acids levels had children with better cognitive development.

The nano-platform technology traverses the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) to deliver potentially life-saving therapies to the brain.

Link between protein macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis  are leading an international team to use it as a potential cure.

Phase 1 clinical trials on sickle cell disease (SCD) will use its motixafortide stem cell therapy.

Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation system can now be used to treat depression up to the patient’s 86th birthday.


The longevity debate: Aubrey offered an interesting narrative of how medicine’s efforts to counter aging have changed over time. Encouraged by early successes against infectious diseases, scientists thought it would be just as easy to reverse aging-related pathologies. Obviously, it did not happen. Attempts to alter metabolism so that it creates less damage have not been very successful either. This is why Aubrey has always seen removing damage (“the maintenance approach”) as the only feasible way to disconnect metabolism from pathology and, hence, to slow and hopefully reverse aging.  Since metabolic processes cause many types of damage, a key part of this approach is combination therapies. Unfortunately, the whole system of incentives, both in academia and in biotech, is built to favor single interventions. Aubrey himself is working on the combination approach in the ongoing Robust Mouse Rejuvenation (RMR) study. Still, combining two, three, or even four therapies is just the first step.  “The epigenome is what matters” “My belief,” he said, “is that the amount of informatic redundancy that exists in the genome and the epigenome is sufficient for us to be able to comprehensively rejuvenate the body in the foreseeable future.”

The US Centers for Disease Control recently reported that about 73% of American adults are “obese”.

Science Says | Issue N-89.  This is an email newsletter about the benefits of fatty 15, the 15-carbon fatty acid found in whole milk that reduces the risk for obesity and diabetes, which are caused. By skim and low-fat milks.  It is one of the supplements I take.  This issue has articles about studies indicating fatty 15 reduces the risk for bladder cancer and kidney stones.  Mothers with higher 15:0 fatty acids levels had children with better cognitive development, based on 1,500 mothers from first trimester to age 15.

The nano-platform technology of Israel’s NanoCarry traverses the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) to deliver potentially life-saving therapies to the brain.  Its initial target is HER2 breast cancer brain metastases for which there is no treatment, even though the original cancer can now effectively be cured.

Israel’s Ben Gurion University researchers discovered the link between protein macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Now they are leading an international team to use it as a potential cure.

Sickle cell disease treatment trial. Israel’s BiolineRX is to conduct Phase 1 clinical trials on sickle cell disease (SCD) patients at multiple locations in the US.  It will use its motixafortide stem cell therapy (see here previously), currently used to treat multiple myeloma. SCD is caused by a mutation of the hemoglobin gene

Treating late life depression. (TY Atid-EDI) The US FDA has extended its approval of the Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation system from Israel’s BrainsWay (see here previously). It can now be used to treat depression up to the patient’s 86th birthday. The previous maximum age limit was 67.