Reasons to not take Coenzyme Q

There are arguments for and against using CoQ10.  At the American Aging Association meeting in June, 2006, CoQ10 supplementation was criticized strongly.  We make CoQ10 naturally, and any excess short circuits the electron transport chain (ETC), which is the process in mitochondria by which we make energy.  When the ETC is disturbed by CoQ10, the electrons are released and generate free radicals, causing tremendous damage.  Since in normal circumstances we make it naturally, do not use CoQ10 unless there is some other physiologic disturbance.

The evidence  is too inconsistent to recommend use of coenzyme Q10 in symptomatic treatment  of congestive heart failure.
Several trials demonstrate coenzyme Q10 depletion subsequent to statin initiation. This assertion is refuted by a more recent  crossover trial that found no significant coenzyme  Q10 drop after initiation of selected statins.