SUBJ: Feeding peanuts to babies protects against peanut allergy

SUBtitle: low cost biomarkers and objective measures of aging

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Feeding peanuts to babies and preschoolers provides them with protection against developing a peanut allergy!

How to make friends with your aging body.

AARP: Drugs that cause memory loss.

Crows can count!

Rice was domesticated for cultivation 11,000 years ago;

A high fat diet disrupts the microbiome,

In women with breast cancer, high fat diet led to a poor prognosis;

Cooler temperatures promote wound healing. So take off Bandaids.

The Emerging Importance of Sleep Regularity on Cardiovascular Health and Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome and Obesity could be a genetic predisposition for elevated neck circumference, dyslipidemia, and adipokine imbalance.

CPAP therapy improves  the restoration of white matter in the brain.

Sleep patterns may protect against sleep apnea in individuals with genetic susceptibility.

There is a bidirectional causal relationship between Sleep Apnea Syndrome and Osteoarthritis.

Sleep Duration Irregularity is Associated with Elevated Blood Pressure During Submaximal Exercise in Young Adults.

Man de-aged 10 years by spending 100 days underwater.

Link between inflammation and conditions such as obesity, hypertension, and behavioral factors including diet quality.

Role of Inflammation in the Development of COVID-19 to Parkinson’s Disease.

Associations Between low Vitamin K and Suicide Attempts in Patients with Depression.

Atopic dermatitis increasingly affects the aging population.

Correlation between having tattoos and getting lymphoma later in life.

Link between exposure to certain air pollutants, but not road traffic noise, and developing dementia.

Ketogenic diets  increase cellular senescence in multiple tissues.

The antioxidant pyrroloquinoline quinone, which is safe in humans, alleviates age-related disc degeneration in mice.

From the head of GRG, Some of my favorite low cost biomarkers and objective measures of aging.

Traversa is a revolutionary device that removes blockages in narrow veins.


Science 31 May-pg 941 – Feeding peanuts to babies and preschoolers provides them with protection against developing a peanut allergy!  At age 13, only 4% of them had a peanut allergy, vs. 15% who had no peanuts.

Lion’s Roar, July ’24 pg 33-How to make friends with your aging body: If you have a negative body image, contemplating the five skandhas can help: Consciousness, mental formations, perception, felling, form. E.g. consciousness-It’s challenging to have a body, and it’s inevitable that we will all have suffering and impermanence with our bodies.  The arbitrary whims of what this era considers desirable do not define me and my worth isn’t determined by my appearance.  What I need right now is gentleness.

AARP: Drugs that cause memory loss: 1. Antianxiety drugs (benzodiazepines) 2. Antiseizure drugs 3. Tricyclic antidepressants (use SAMe as the. Best anti-depressant) 4. Narcotic painkillers (opioids) 5. Sleeping aids (nonbenzodiazepine sedative-hypnotics) 6. Incontinence drugs (anticholinergics) 7. Antihistamines (first generation)

Science 24 May-pg 871-Crows can count! Rice was domesticated for cultivation 11,000 years ago; pg 872- A high fat diet disrupts the microbiome, releasing leucine, activating MTORC1, increasing growth of cancer cells.  In women with breast cancer, high fat diet led to a poor prognosis; pg 873-Cooler temperatures promote wound healing.  Bandaids insulate wounds heating them several degrees and slowing healing

The Emerging Importance of Sleep Regularity on Cardiovascular Health and Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults: A Review of the Literature.  We examined the relationship between sleep regularity and selected health outcomes: cardiovascular risk, cognitive impairment, and mortality.  Low sleep regularity was consistently associated with higher cardiovascular risk and elevated risk of all-cause mortality. Results on cognitive impairment are mixed, with inconsistency likely attributed to small sample sizes

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome and Obesity (OSAS) Indicators, Circulating Blood Lipid Levels, and Adipokines Levels: A Bidirectional Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization Study.  This investigation compellingly supports the hypothesis that OSAS could be a genetic predisposition for elevated neck circumference, dyslipidemia, and adipokine imbalance. These findings unveil potential genetic interactions between OSAS and metabolic syndrome

Microstructural Changes in the Cerebral White Matter After 12 Months of CPAP Treatment for Moderate to Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A TBSS Study.  Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy improves clinical symptoms in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The mechanism of this clinical improvement and how it may be associated with the restoration of white matter (WM) structures in the brain is revealed.

Association of Sleep Pattern and Genetic Susceptibility with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Prospective Analysis of the UK Biobank.  This large-scale prospective study provides evidence suggesting that sleep patterns across seven low-risk sleep phenotypes may protect against OSA in individuals with varying degrees of genetic susceptibility.

Association Between Sleep Apnea Syndrome and Osteoarthritis: Insights from Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization and Bioinformatics Analysis.  This research confirmed the bidirectional causal relationship between SAS and OA. Notably, the 4 genes (JUNB, COL8A1, FOSB, IER2) and 6 immune phenotypes are crucial for both diseases, these provide hopeful targets for future interventions against these two diseases.

Sleep Duration Irregularity is Associated with Elevated Blood Pressure During Submaximal Exercise in Young Adults.  These results indicate that sleep regularity, especially when excluding weekend nights, is associated with the rise in systolic BP during moderate-intensity exercise in young adults. Sleep duration regularity may be a useful tool to capture the impact of intermittent nights of insufficient sleep on BP dysregulation.

Man ‘de-aged 10 years’ by spending 100 days underwater — but saw odd side effect.  Speaking to reporters at WKMG News in Orlando recently, Dr Dituri said: “I’m 56 now. My extrinsic [biological] age was 44. When I got out of the water, my extrinsic age was 34.  “So, my telomeres lengthened. I actually got younger when I was under the water.”

Associations of Systematic Inflammatory Markers with Diet Quality, Blood Pressure, and Obesity in the AIRWAVE Health Monitoring Study.  Findings of this analysis add to the existing knowledge indicating a link between inflammation and conditions such as obesity, hypertension, and behavioral factors including diet quality. Of the various inflammatory scores evaluated, systemic immune-inflammation index and Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio were consistently significantly associated with diet quality and these conditions.

Role of Inflammation in the Development of COVID-19 to Parkinson’s Disease. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection increases the risk of PD through an inflammatory environment and downregulation of ACE2, providing evidence for the molecular mechanism and targeted therapy associated with COVID-19 and PD.

Associations Between Vitamin K and Suicide Attempts in Patients with Depression: A Case-Control Study.  Our study suggests that low vitamin K levels were correlated with suicidal attempts in patients with depression, indicating that vitamin K deficiency might be a biological risk factor for depression.

Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Aging: Clinical Observations and Underlying Mechanisms.  As one of the most prevalent chronic inflammatory skin diseases, atopic dermatitis (AD) increasingly affects the aging population. The association between AD and aging holds significant importance, both in population and basic perspectives.

Scientists have reported a possible correlation between having tattoos and getting lymphoma later in life. However, multiple caveats apply [1]

A long-term female nurse study suggests a link between long-term exposure to certain air pollutants, but not road traffic noise, and the risk of developing dementia [1]. Air pollution as a risk factor.

A new study tested two ketogenic diets and found increases in cellular senescence in multiple tissues [1]. It’s complicated Ketogenic diets have been a matter of substantial debate.

In Aging Cell, researchers have published detailed information on why the antioxidant pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), which is known to be safe in humans, alleviates age-related disc degeneration in mice.


From the head of GRG, Johnny Adams.  Some of my favorite low cost biomarkers and objective measures of aging

Initial Evaluation


Physician intake and history form for medical record



CBC / metabolic / lipid panel

Emphasis on safety.  Especially kidney, liver.

C-Reactive protein

Levine/Horvath phenotypic age calculation will be applied to the above to arrive at an implied phenotypic age.


DNA methylation



LabCorp or Life Extension preferred, but must be consistent lab each time











Number Memory

Verbal Memory



Human Benchmark


Reaction Time



Human Benchmark



Grip Strength




30 Second Chair Stand



Balance and stamina test – One leg stand


Jamar Preston TEC Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer Max Force 200 Lbs/90 Kgs or better


Timed, how long subject can stand on one leg with arms held inward.  Same method each time.



Medical Outcomes Study Questionnaire Short Form 36

Israel’s Veinway has developed Traversa – a literally revolutionary device that removes blockages in narrow veins caused by disease, clots, scar tissue etc. It can treat many of the 900,000 US patients diagnosed with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). Compassionate use trials have been very successful.