Recent news from Nutrition Investigator

Drink whole milk, not skim or 2%.  The 15 carbon fatty acid only in whole milk reduces the risk for obesity and diabetes.  When the Federal Government began recommending reduced fat milk for children 20 years ago, it began an epidemic of obesity in children.  The Government has yet to correct its recommendation.

We know more about preventing dementia than about preventing cancer.  Goal is to improve glucose metabolism, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Eat a Mediterranean diet, monounsaturated fats, and fatty fish.

Reader asks whether taking antioxidant vitamins are safe and proven to benefit.  Vitamin C is safe and proven at 500mg twice a day. Vitamin E is dangerous as a supplement at high doses. Most antioxidants are obtained with a healthy diet. Only C requires a supplement.

Higher ultra-processed food intake was associated with bad health

Chapter 11, Exercise, Outlive, by Peter Attia, has a great chart showing how athletic ability diminishes with age.  Three lines show high, middle, and low levels of fitness.  He claims that if you can achieve a high level of fitness for someone 20 years younger than you are, you are in the top 2% of fitness for your age group.