More on taking Klotho

1) How did you arrive at your dosing regimen for Klotho? What is the basis for your calculations? I see you mention ~5pg/week as maintenance dose. Is this just based on anecdotal effects from self experimentation or something else?

2) You mentioned some side effects of excess Klotho below. What makes you think they are a result of excess Klotho? Did the side effects disappear and reappear when stopping and starting Klotho treatment several times? Have other people experienced the same side effects when using Klotho?

I also take chokeberry and gaba, both of which are suppose to increase klotho. I inject klotho everyday in 2 divided doses. (although i sometimes skip a day)  I watch my blood pressure and HRV. My klotho level increased from .28 to .98 (according to R.E.D. the normal range is .75 to ? 1.50.

I don’t notice any difference, and i rely on articles that i’ve read that increasing klotho contributes to health and longevity.