
Jan 2022 – A scoping review of intermittent fasting, chronobiology, and metabolism. Well-controlled randomized clinical trials employing IF protocols of delayed or early eating windows have sometimes demonstrated clinical benefits, such as improved glycemic and lipid profiles, as well as weight loss. However, IF does not appear to be more effective than traditional diets at the group level, and its effects largely depend on energy restriction.
There is a lot of evidence since 2020 that fasting periodically is extremely beneficial for health, longevity, and the immune system. Various fasting protocols exist, from 24hrs to 12hrs at a time. I decided in November, 2021, to begin fasting from after dinner at 7pm until happy hour the next day at 5pm. One question was whether to give up nutritional supplements in the morning, and coffee. Below are responses from GRG to that question. I have decided to give up morning supplements, but still to drink coffee.

From PW – I do a 28 day cycle of intermittent fasting every day (~16 hours) except one day of total fast, followed by 3 days of 40% of monthly average daily calories. I don’t count calories anymore after having done so and established a good idea of my eating amounts. For supplements, I take none at all on the total fasting day and a reduced number on the 3 partial fasting day.

From KM: My daily intermittent fasts last about 15 hours. I eat and drink nothing during that time but water. No supplements. No coffee. I found 3 studies that reported skipping breakfast increased mortality, and if I recall correctly, the biggest risk was cardiovascular, so I try to eat soon after waking and stop well before bed.

From JP: I have been doing OMAD (one meal a day) fasting for several years. Here is what I believe. Even a small amount of protein will end your fasting state. Most amino acid supplements are interpreted by your system as protein and end the fasting state. Sugar and carbs may also end fasting, but a small amount of fat does not. I cannot get through the day without coffee. I put only heavy cream in my coffee. Not half and half or creamer power, which contain protein.

From DG: I fast for 71 consecutive hours or so each week. I drink liquids but nothing with added sugar. I limit my supplements during the fasting, but I take a 1000 mg Vitamin C each day, and it certainly seems to do me some good.

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