SUBJ: How Vitamin C reduces cancer risk

SUBtitle: The old mice were rejuvenated after epigenetic changes to just 3 genes

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SHORT NOTES: How Vitamin C reduces cancer risk;  Young again: Researchers gave mice a gene therapy that reversed the epigenetic changes caused by aging. “It’s like rebooting a malfunctioning computer”; On February 7 at 5:30 pm (Pacific Time), you are invited to tune into Power Vegetables and Cancer Prevention, an LPI program;  developing a COVID vaccine that will work against all existing variants including Delta, Beta, and Omicron;  Depletion of growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) leads to mitochondrial … Berberine supports possible increase GDF15;  Resveratrol induces mitochondrial biogenesis and protects against metabolic decline;  New kingdom of single-celled, tentacled organisms called Asgards, neither procaryote nor archaea,  may be ancestor of eucaryotes; Obesity permanently modifies macrophages increasing likelihood of macular degeneration, even if you later lose the obesity;  Melatonin is produced in numerous other tissues apart from the pineal gland, including the thymus, gastrointestinal tract, as well as in innate and adaptive immune cells in the bone marrow and systemic circulation; Boost blood flow- When your limbs can’t get enough blood, your hands or feet may feel cold or numb. How to get better!



Vitamin C reduces cancer risk! Accurate regulation of DNA methylation is necessary for normal cells to differentiate, develop and function. TET2 catalyzes stepwise DNA demethylation in hematopoietic cells. Mutations in the TET2 gene predispose to hematological malignancies by causing DNA methylation overload and aberrant epigenomic landscape. Studies on mice and cell lines show that the function of TET2 is boosted by vitamin C. Thus, by strengthening the demethylation activity of TET2, vitamin C could play a role in the prevention of hematological malignancies in individuals with TET2 dysfunction.


Young again Researchers gave mice a gene therapy that reversed the epigenetic changes caused by aging. “It’s like rebooting a malfunctioning computer,” said Sinclair.

The therapy delivered a trio of genes — Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4, together named OSK — that are active in stem cells and can help rewind mature cells to an earlier state. (Sinclair’s lab used this cocktail to restore sight in blind mice in 2020.). The ICE mice’s organs and tissues resumed a youthful state.

The therapy “set in motion an epigenetic program that led cells to restore the epigenetic information they had when they were young,” said Sinclair. “It’s a permanent reset.”

How exactly OSK treatment achieved that remains unclear. At this stage, Sinclair says the discovery supports the hypothesis that mammalian cells maintain a kind of backup copy of epigenetic software that, when accessed, can allow an aged, epigenetically scrambled cell to reboot into a youthful, healthy state.

For now, the extensive experiments led the team to conclude that “by manipulating the epigenome, aging can be driven forwards and backwards,” said Yang.

From a reader: Old mice grow young again in study. Can people do the same? 8 min. video. It just required genetically engineering three genes that changed epigenetic labelling of DNA so youth-maintenance genes were reactivated.


On February 7 at 5:30 pm (Pacific Time), you are invited to tune into Power Vegetables and Cancer Prevention, a webinar hosted by Oregon State University’s College of Public Health and Human Sciences Public Health Insider webcast series.  Register online here  This episode of their webcast features Candace Russo (formerly from the Healthy Youth Program, and now with the Moore Family Center) and Oregon State University’s famous “Broccoli Lady” (that’s me!).


Science 6 Jan pg38-Zhao et al are working to develop a COVID vaccine that will work against all existing variants including Delta, Beta, and Omicron. Their strategy holds promise for a single vaccine to end the COVID epidemic.


Depletion of growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and premature senescence in human dermal fibroblasts. Berberine and Echinacea seem to support possible increase GDF15. Depletion of growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and premature senescence in human dermal fibroblasts

1-“Berberine has been found to activate the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway, which is involved in the regulation of GDF15”

2-“Another study found that the herb Echinacea purpurea may also increase GDF15 levels by activating the AMPK pathway”

Resveratrol induces mitochondrial biogenesis and protects against metabolic decline


Science 6 Jan pg12 – New kingdom of single-celled, tentacled organisms called Asgards, neither procaryote nor archaea,  may be ancestor of eucaryotes.


Science 6 Jan pg28-Obesity permanently modifies macrophages increasing likelihood of macular degeneration, even if you later lose the obesity.  AREDs supplements from Johns Hopkins reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Melatonin appears to have a favorable safety profile. Melatonin is also produced in numerous other tissues apart from the pineal gland, including the thymus, gastrointestinal tract, as well as in innate and adaptive immune cells in the bone marrow and systemic circulation.4 Overall, the daily endogenous production of melatonin is relatively small (less than 100 µg) compared to the doses commonly administered exogenously. Current Insights into the Risks of Using Melatonin as a Treatment for Sleep Disorders in Older Adults

Boost blood flow- When your limbs can’t get enough blood, your hands or feet may feel cold or numb. If you’re light-skinned, your legs might get a blue tinge.  If you smoke, quit. Control Your Blood Pressure. you need to stay hydrated to keep it moving. If you’re a desk jockey at work, consider a standing desk. Yoga is a low-impact exercise that can jump-start your blood flow. When your ankles or feet swell, try the legs-up-the-wall yoga pose. Also called viparita karani.   when you run, bike, walk, swim, and do similar exercises, you take in more oxygen and move it to your muscles. This gets your blood pumping, makes your heart stronger, and lowers your blood pressure. Set a goal to exercise for 30 minutes, 5 to 7 days a week. Squats only get your blood pumping, it also helps lower your blood sugar and helps with back pain. Compression socks put a bit of squeeze on your legs so your blood doesn’t hang around too long. Eat More Plants and Less Meat. Take a body brush with stiff, flat bristles and stroke on your dry skin. Start with your feet and work your way up, using long motions on your legs and arms. Make circles on your belly and lower back. Dry brushing also gets rid of dry skin. Do it every day, right before your shower.