AGING THEORY: CAUSE 2 Inflammation

Inflammation is one of the key causes of the decline we experience with aging. Omega-3 fatty acids found in meat produce molecules that increase inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish reduce inflammation. Diets used to contain a ration of 2:1 of omega-6 to omega-3, but the modern US diet contains so much meat that tghe ratio is now about 12:1, so most people are in a constant state of inflammation, generating free radicals causing mutations, oxidizing molecules causing wrinkles and diabetes, shortening telomeres, and so much more. [see also No Fours Diet to reduce inflammaging] 35 million (M) people in the US have Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in 2010, 65M are predicted by 2030. Inflammation is promoted by a sedentary life and obesity. Vitamin E reduces inflammation and promotes the immune response. The meta-analysis that concluded vitamin E may be hazardous was flawed (If you take AREDS II, it provides vitamin E that you need). DHA (fish oil) is also valuable to reduce inflammation – 900 mg DHA is the most one can absorb daily. Though life span keeps getting longer, inflammation is keeping health span in people fairly constant, so there is a rapid increase in elderly who are ill, esp. AD. Spinach reduces AD risk, though iron increases risk. Deficiencies contributing to AD include vitamins C, E, B12, B6, folate, melatonin, SAMe, DHA, curcumin, and ibuprofen. Fish oil reduces risk 60%. However, if your genotype is APOE4, DHA is hazardous. Too much folate increases risk. 800mg curcumin daily actually reduces the level of AD plaque. Education reduces risk of AD.

How to reduce inflammation: Consuming antioxidants and fish oil, staying fit, and relaxing are all useful to reduce inflammation and keep telomeres longer. Note that EGCG and quercetin in Mito-C also maintain telomere length.

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