Mito-C ingredients


For a Healthy Mind and Body

60 capsules for just $34.95

Alfred “Roc” Ordman; 608-219-1093


The formula was designed to promote aging healthy, maintain the brain, and mimic the benefits of caloric restriction. It is based on the work of Professor Emeritus Roc Ordman (ProfRoc).

The supplement formulation is designed to be taken twice a day. Each capsule contains key nutrients in the most beneficial balance.

 Vitamin C

Based on research by Alfred “Roc” Ordman (ProfRoc [1]), this supports near the highest concentration of this antioxidant in your blood around the clock when taken twice a day.

Quercetin and EGCG

Eating blueberries followed by a cup of green tea were evaluated in a clinical trial designed by myself (Roc Ordman) and Rolf Martin. The key nutrients are quercetin and EGCG. Together they are able reduce protein misfolding, one of the main causes of aging and mental deterioration. Quercetin delays the degradation of EGCG [2]. This makes it possible that the product will provide the EGCG benefit of drinking multiple cups of green tea. There has been shown to be a linear relationship between cups of green tea consumed daily and health [3]. And in 2019, it has been shown that slowing the rate of protein synthesis, as EGCG does, has the same effects as dietary restriction and has numerous health benefits [11]. 

Alpha-lipoic Acid (ALA), Niacinamide, and N-acetyl-carnitine (NAC)Three nutrients vital to the powerhouses of our cells, mitochondria, that diminish as we age. NAC transports fatty acids into the mitochondrion, and ALA aids their degradation to generate energy.

Dr. Bruce Ames showed this combination rejuvenated old mice, restoring their energy to run on an exercise wheel and mental function to navigate and remember a maze. The third nutrient we need, as reported in Science [10], is Niacinamide, which makes NAD+. The level of NAD+ drops substantially as we age.


One of the body’s most powerful antioxidants. A major function of vitamin C is to keep glutathione in its reduced form to quench free radicals. It also provides cysteine [9].

Tyrosine (and cysteine from glutathione) Deficiency of these amino acids and EGCG contributes to protein misfolding during transcription. Based on work with Rolf Martin [5], protein misfolding contributes to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other age-associated diseases [8].

Bioflavonoids, including Quercetin and ApigeninThese molecules inhibit CD 38, also known as cyclic ADP ribose hydrolase, a glycoprotein found on the surface of many immune cells and the main reducer of NAD+ concentration during aging [6].

Vitamin K1 Vitamin K1 is metabolized to produce K1, K2, and K3. These may have numerous health benefits such as: • protects brain function [7]. • stronger bone mass • supports cardiac rhythm • supports healthy blood pressure by preventing calcium build up that contributes to heart disease

Parsley extract – The base for this capsulet has numerous health benefits [12], including being a great source of apigenin [6]

WARNING: You should discuss with your doctor before using this nutraceutical. Do not exceed recommended dose. If you are planning a medical procedure, pregnant or nursing, taking medications, such as anti-coagulants or anti-platelets, or have any medical condition, consult with a healthcare. Discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if safety seal is broken.


  1. G King, M Beins, J Larkin, B Summers, AB Ordman. 1994. “Rate of Excretion of Vitamin C in Human Urine”, AGE 17:87-92.2. P Wang, D Heber, SM Henning. 2012. Quercetin increased the antiproliferative activity of green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocate- chin gallate in prostate cancer cells. Nutr Cancer 64:580-7. doi:10.1080/01635581.2012.
  2. J Blumberg. 2012. Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Symposium on Tea and Human Health, USDA.4. BN Ames. 2009. Mitochondrial Decay in the Brains of Old Rats: Ameliorating Effect of Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Acetyl-L-carnitine. Neurochem Res. 34: 755–763.
  3. TK Chaudhuri, S Paul. 2009. Protein-misfolding diseases and chaperone-based therapeutic approaches. Neurochem Res. 34: 755–763.6. C Escande et al, Flavonoid apigenin is an inhibitor of the NAD+ ase CD38: implications for cellular NAD+ metabolism… Diabetes. 2013; 62:1084-93.

7. cresch #176.

  1. J C Darnell. 2014. Ribosome rescue and neurodegeneration, Science 345:378-379.9. HJ Forman et al. 2009. Glutathione: Overview of its protective roles, measurement, and biosynthesis. Mol Aspects Med. 30: 1– 12. PMCID: PMC2696075.
  2. S Johnson, S Imai. 2018. NAD + biosynthesis, aging, and dis- ease. F1000Res. 2018; 7: 132. PMID: 29744033.11. J Hahm et al. 2019. Diet restriction induced healthy aging is mediated through the immune signaling component ZIP 2 in Caenorhabditis elegans. Intl Fed Assoc Anatomists. 19th Congress.
    12. MH Farzaei et al. 2013. Parsley: a review of ethnopharmacol- ogy, phytochemistry and biological activities. J Tradit Chin Med. 33(6):815-26.

Mito-C is intended to be taken with another source of vitamin C to provide a total of 500mg twice a day, such as AREDs, it is intended to provide a supplement that is safe and proven likely to prolong your health span. It does so by slowing the rate of protein misfolding, in addition to trapping free radicals and reducing inflammation. These are 3 factors that contribute to the decline that occurs with aging.

For more information on the theories
of why we age, go to:

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1 Capsule Servings per Container: 60

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) …. 250 mg…………….. 278%

Vitamin K (as Phytonadione) …. 75 mcg………………. 63%

Niacin (as Niacinamide)……………. 5 mg………………. 31%

Proprietary Blend 205 mg

EGCC (from Camellia Sinensis Extract)*
Quercetin (as Quercetin Dihydrate)……………………………….*

Alpha Lipoic Acid ……………………………………………………*

N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCI …………………………………………….*

L-Tyrosine ………………………………………………………………*

Setria® (L-Glutathione Reduced) ……………………………….* Citrus Bioflavonoids………………………………………………..*

Parsley Leaf (Patroselinum Crispum) ………………………..*

*Daily Value not established.

Other Ingredients: Cellulose, Vegetable Stearates, Silicon Dioxide, Titanium Dioxide.

Dr. Ordman notes

1994 – Published a paper in AGE on his discovery of the saturating dosage of vitamin C, 500 mg twice a day, which made the page 1 headline of USA Today.

1994 – Selected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for public service announce- ments about “Why Humans Age”

1996 – Investigated the proper dosage for calcium supplements and has a patent on his discovery.

  1. MH Farzaei et al. 2013. Parsley: a review of ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and biological activities. J Tradit Chin Med. 33(6):815-26.

1996- Received a patent on his vitamin C dosage, which was reported in the New York Times.

1998 – Received a patent for a method for testing for saturating dosages of water-soluble substances in the urine.

2006 – Published a pilot study on finding the optimal dosage of vitamins C and E.

2008 – Published a pilot study to find the cure for obesity.

2018 – selected for participation in the Geronotological Research Group, M.D. and Ph.D. experts and highly informed lay people evaluating how to extend human healthspan, leading to the development of Mito-C.

To purchase Mito-C or for more information, contact Alfred “Roc” Ordman; 608-219-1093