SUBJ: drinking 3 to 6 cups of green tea daily vastly extends your healthspan

SUBtitle: Kevin states “research will eventually get a handle on COVID”

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SHORT NOTES: Green tea is definitely vastly superior to black tea, drinking 3 to 6 cups of green tea daily vastly extends your healthspan; Centenarians consistently present a younger epigenetic age than their chronological age ; Higher platelet count is associated with increased arterial stiffness (often caused by calcium supplements);  From KF 1. The Malicious Virus Surges Again I have faith in the ongoing research that eventually will get a handle on it;  2. trained professionals in health care counseling were shown to be effective with better outcomes for patients; 3. “more than 2.5 million adolescents were current e-cigarette users in 2022; 4. On Aging –Clint Eastwood – Don’t Let The Old Man In;  Not all senescent cells are harmful “zombies” They can occupy niches with privileged positions by stimulating nearby stem cells to grow and initiate repair”; Better sex after 60: The main sexual problems for women tend to be trouble getting to orgasm, lack of desire, and vaginal dryness, Diabetes can cause ED for men, When you talk about your feelings and needs, do it from an “I” standpoint;  best drinks for weight loss-water, skim or soy milk, green tea, black coffee, worst are specialty coffees, sodas; Alzheiner’s or normal aging- Only 1% of people over age 65 with normal age-related memory issues will get dementia each year, If memory loss makes it hard for you to handle your daily tasks, that’s a sign you shouldn’t ignore.



Reader question: What kind of tea is best? Green tea is definitely vastly superior to black tea.  Not sure about white tea. But drinking 3 to 6 cups of green tea daily vastly extends your healthspan.  I drank 3+ cups a day for years, after a cup of blueberries, until I developed my product Mito-C.  The ingredient in green tea that extends healthspan is EGCG. That delays to rate of protein synthesis, so you get fewer misfolded proteins.

There have been numerous epidemiological studies showing that each daily cup of green tea up to six progressively lowers illness and extends healthspan.

Furthermore, blueberries contain quercetin, the flavonoid that makes them dark colored.  Quercetin blocks the enzyme that degrades EGCG, so the EGCG lasts up to 6 times longer in your system, further preventing protein misfolding.  Protein misfolding contributes to brain disorders like Alzheimers and dementia, to cancer, arthritis, and other age-associated conditions.  I was connected to a lengthy clinical trial that explored this for many years with scientist Rolf Martin.

And so my formulation for Mito-C contains the equivalent of 6 cups of green tea and 1 cup of blueberries as EGCG and quercetin.

Definitely get my Mito-C or eat a cup of blueberries followed by cups of green tea.

Centenarians consistently present a younger epigenetic age than their
chronological age
with four epigenetic clocks based on a small number of
CpG sites.

The aim of the paper is to establish and quantify the relation between healthy ageing and the innate and adaptive immune parameters as indicators of age-related diseases. Overall healthy ageing is governed by some immune-related deregulations that account for immune exhaustion due to numerous developed immune processes during a life-time and the age-related diseases.

Higher platelet count, even within normal range, is associated with
increased arterial stiffness in young and middle-aged adults


From Kevin Fickenscher: 1. The Malicious Virus Surges Again – Are we ever going to get ahead of it? Is the end of COVID on the horizon? Yes! And, No! I have faith in the ongoing research being conducted around the world that eventually we will get a handle on the effort by COVID to cause disease among the human species. At the same time, it’s evident that the fight is not over!!

  1. In an online study published in the Annals of Family Medicinethe use of “facilitators” (i.e. trained professionals in health care counseling) was shown to be effective with better outcomes for selected cardiovascular-related problems. The types of facilitated conversations included aspirin use, smoking cessation, blood pressure control and other preventive care-focused areas. The review included the assessment of 162 facilitators employed at 1,630 small- to medium-sized primary care practices.
  2. “more than 2.5 million adolescents were current e-cigarette users in 2022, with the majority choosing flavored, disposable products”.
  3. On Aging – Over the last year one of my favorite web broadcast discoveries has been a video featuring Clint Eastwood – Don’t Let The Old Man In. It highlights a song written by Toby Keith following a golf match with Eastwood. As the story goes, they were on the 19th T (= “bar” for all of you non-golfers) following a golf match that involved lots of swings and misses when Keith asked Eastwood what he was doing the next day. Eastwood then went into a soliloquy on all the meetings and discussions that were planned as part of a new movie he was going to produce. Keith responded that Eastwood was in his late 80s and asked the question “…How do you do it?” The response from Eastwood: “I don’t let the old man in!”


Check out this paper from Science magazine on October 13, 2022 that says “Not all senescent cells are harmful “zombies” that should be wiped out to prevent age-related disease, according to new research from UC San Francisco, which found that some of them are embedded in young, healthy tissues and promote normal repair from damage.

Scientists have now seen these cells in action in lung tissue, as well as other organs that serve as barriers in the body, such as the small intestine, colon and skin. When they used drugs called senolytics to kill these cells, injuries to lung tissues healed more slowly.
Senescent cells can occupy niches with privileged positions as ‘sentinels’ that monitor tissue for injury and respond by stimulating nearby stem cells to grow and initiate repair,”


WebMD: Better sex after 60: Around midlife — age 45 or so — new issues can temporarily dampen your love life, though. Sex hormones take a big dip, The main sexual problems for women tend to be trouble getting to orgasm, lack of desire, and vaginal dryness, Lubed condoms, water-based lubricating jelly, and vaginal moisturizers might do the trick, erectile dysfunction (try drinking 4 glasses of water), Diabetes can cause ED for men, Be sure to tell your doctor about any chest pain, problems breathing, or symptoms that get worse, weight gain, arthritis, chronic pain, bladder control problems, dementia, high blood pressure or cholesterol, side effects from meds, depression, and stroke. Learn your partner’s history before you have sex of any kind. Both of you should get tested first, too. Couples clash at times about sex drive — or lack of it. When you talk about your feelings and needs, do it from an “I” standpoint: “I’d enjoy it if we … .” The benefits of sex are many. Just a few reasons to keep at it (and going solo counts): It boosts your immune system, burns calories, lowers blood pressure, helps you relax, eases pain, keeps your mind sharp, and may lessen the risk of heart attack and prostate cancer. It keeps you and your partner close. It just may help you live longer. Oh, and it makes you happy.


WebMD-best drinks for weight loss-water, skim or soy milk, green tea, black coffee, worst are specialty coffees, sodas,

WebMD-Alzheiner’s or normal aging- Only 1% of people over age 65 with normal age-related memory issues will get dementia each year, If memory loss makes it hard for you to handle your daily tasks, that’s a sign you shouldn’t ignore. Hard to Plan or Solve Problems? Struggle With Everyday Tasks,  It’s normal to forget where you parked now and again, people with Alzheimer’s disease sometimes forget where they are, It’s normal to have trouble finding the right word sometimes. Or you might use a word the wrong way, Withdraw From Friends and Family, If you aren’t sure if what you’re going through is just regular aging, a doctor can help you figure it out. They’ll know if the memory loss you have falls within the normal range or not.  People who spend time reading, solving puzzles, or otherwise staying engaged are less likely to get Alzheimer’s. It’s also a good idea to lower your stress, eat r