J Nutrition Apr, 2005
Dietary L-Arginine Supplementation Reduces Fat Mass in Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rats; Wenjiang J. Fu et al; J. Nutr. 2005 135: 714-721.
This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that dietarysupplementation of arginine, the physiologic precursor of nitricoxide (NO), reduces fat mass…[in rats]…The induction of these geneswas verified by real-time RT-PCR analysis. In sum, argininetreatment may provide a potentially novel and useful means toenhance NO synthesis and reduce fat mass in obese subjects withtype-II diabetes mellitus.
Supplementation with Conjugated Linoleic Acid for 24 Months Is Well Tolerated by and Reduces Body Fat Mass in Healthy, Overweight Humans; Jean-Michel Gaullier et al; J. Nutr. 2005 135: 778-784
All subjectswere supplemented with 3.4g CLA/d in the triglyceride form… No fat or body weight changes occurred in the 2 groups givenCLA during the initial 12 mo… Body weight and BFM were reduced in the subjectsadministered the placebo during the initial 12 mo study… In conclusion, this study shows thatCLA supplementation for 24 mo in healthy, overweight adultswas well tolerated. It confirms also that CLA decreases BFMin overweight humans, and may help maintain initial reductionsin BFM and weight in the long term.
Ad Libitum Choline Intake in Healthy Individuals Meets or Exceeds the Proposed Adequate Intake Level; Leslie M. Fischer et al; J. Nutr. 2005 135: 826-829
“Choline is an essential nutrient for humans that is used tosynthesize membrane phospholipids and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.Betaine, a metabolite of choline, functions as a methyl-groupdonor in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine, and isimportant for renal function… The current recommended AI forcholine seems to be a good approximation of the actual intakeof this nutrient.”
How to Modify the Food Environment; Adam Drewnowski and Barbara J. Rolls; J. Nutr. 2005 135: 898-899.
“The recommended healthier diets cost more. Given the current hierarchy of food prices, diets based on lean meats, vegetables, and fruit tend to be associated with higher diet costs than high energy density diets rich in added sugars and fats…She advocates ways of improving the school’s food environment through a combination of healthier competitive foods, peer promotion, and price intervention at vending machines.”