SUBJECT: AJCN Sep 2013-Happiness from vitamin C

Some sugar required for brain function, but high glycemia index meal increases hunger and craving – Compared with an isocaloric low-GI meal, a high-GI meal decreased plasma glucose, increased hunger, and selectively stimulated brain regions associated with reward and craving. Glucose is the primary metabolic fuel used by the central nervous system to support its energy needs. The human adult requires ∼6 g glucose/h, and only after prolonged fasting can some of this be replaced by alternative fuels such as ketones. Thus, it is essential that dietary carbohydrate content is sufficient to deliver glucose to the brain and to enable liver glycogen storage to be maximized to support brain requirements between meals.

Higher omega-3 to omega-6 fats ratio in diet predicts memory and planning ability – Biochemical and behavioral evidence has suggested that the ratio of n−6 (omega-6) to n−3 (omega-3) could be an important predictor of executive function abilities in children.

Fruit and veggie variety increases children’s intake 25%.

500 mg vitamin C twice a day increases happiness and decreases stress 51%! – Vitamin D had no effect.

Broccoli decreases cancer risk and helps fat oxidation – Probably true for all cruciferous vegetables.

Calcium supplements increase risk of osteoporosis – Women who took 1500mg/day during pregnancy had lower maternal bone mineral density that persisted in the long term.

Intervention to promote healthy snacks, non-sweetened drinks, and fruits and vegetables helps parents and their children – This exploratory trial evaluated an intervention promoting habit formation for 3 parental feeding behaviors: serving fruit/vegetables, serving healthy snacks, and serving nonsweetened drinks. Conclusions: A habit-based intervention successfully modified parental feeding behaviors, affected children’s diets positively, and was well received by parents. Habit theory provides a promising new tool to support family-based obesity prevention.

Vitamins A, C, E, alpha-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin reduce cataract risk – This meta-analysis provides additional evidence supporting the view that blood levels of certain antioxidants are inversely associated with risk of age-related cataract.

Vitamin D deficiency increases risk for pre-eclampsia and for leukemia

Western diet increases risk of depression 15%

Adiposity has become primary cause of inflammation – Inflammation and free radicals are the cause of nearly 70% of chronic disease.

Olive oil and Mediterranean diet change gene expression patterns to reduce heart disease disk – One of the mechanisms by which Mediterranean diet, particularly if supplemented with virgin olive oil, can exert health benefits is through changes in the transcriptomic response of genes related to cardiovascular risk. This supports the value of getting some olive oil every day.

– Roc, Nutrition Investigator
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Unassisted discovery does not benefit learners. SciAmMind Sept/Oct 2013