SUBJECT: Recent articles from Science
Science magazine is one of the most reliable sources of new research discoveries in all fields. Available on line or at a library, given are the volume: page number. Here are recent articles I have found:
1. Science 343:1182 WHO proposes halving recommended sugar intake from less than 10% of total Calories to less than 5%, about 25g per day.
2. Science 343:580 African Americans have a three to five times greater risk of developing end-stage kidney disease and twice the risk of dying from heart disease than do individuals of European descent. In addition to socioeconomic factors, genetic factors probably contribute to these differences.
3. Science 342: 1298 Diets Induce Quick-Change in Gut Microbes. With the right diet, it actually takes just 3 days to shift the abundance and activity of different gut bacteria. Eat only meats, eggs, and cheeses or else a high-fiber vegetarian diet for 5 days. Fecal samples from before, during, and after the diets revealed reproducible changes in bacterial makeup.
4. Science 342: 789 A Putative Antiaging Drug Takes a Step From Mice to Men. Rapamycin is being tested in a small clinical trial that may yield the first hints of whether it can slow aging in people.
5. Science 342: 1028 In obese women, cholesterol turns into a metabolite, 27HC, that may act on the estrogen receptor (ER) to spur the growth of breast cancer.
6. Science 342: 1432 Breakthrough of the Year: Cancer immunotherapy: T-cells on the attack. This year marks a turning point in cancer, as long-sought efforts to unleash the immune system against tumors are paying off—even if the future remains a question mark. It does so because this year, clinical trials have cemented its potential in patients and swayed even the skeptics. The field hums with stories of lives extended: the woman with a grapefruit-size tumor in her lung from melanoma, alive and healthy 13 years later; the 6-year-old near death from leukemia, now in third grade and in remission; the man with metastatic kidney cancer whose disease continued fading away even after treatment stopped.
7. Science 343:824 Speak nicely to your baby! Babies who are spoken to frequently in an engaging way, generally from a higher family’s socioeconomic status, tend to develop faster word-processing skills, which directly relate to the development of vocabulary and language, memory, and even nonverbal cognitive abilities.
8. What one should strive to learn in an effective science, math, and English education.
9. Science 341:1329 US farmers are heading for a crisis as weeds become resistent to Roundup. “Glyphosate used to control everything easily,” says Bryan Young, a plant biologist at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
10. Science 344:570 A factor has been found in the blood of young mice that restores muscle and brain vitality in older mice.
11. Science 344:564 See the rate of death from major diseases , NIH funding levels, and nutritional strategies to avoid these diseases
12. Science 344: 1240 Tricking the body to burn calories (through exercise or cold exposure) – Activating immune cells in fat can convert tissue from white fat, which stores energy, to something resembling brown fat, which burns it. Until now, the only way known to “brown” white fat was with exposure to cold. Qiu et al. found that activating macrophages helps brown white fat. Meanwhile, Rao et al. found that boosting levels of a hormone induced in muscle or after cold exposure helps activate the macrophages, brown fat, and improve glucose tolerance.
– Roc, Nutrition Investigator
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