SUBJ: Conscious mind #1 from consciousness investigator Roc

Separating all of the new research on consciousness into a separate email may save time for those not interested in consciousness, which is my other favorite area where rapid progress is occurring.  These notes mainly come from Scientific American Mind and Science, which are difficult to access on line, but are at most libraries.

From Nov/Dec Scientific American Mind:
Pg 8 – The more rituals the merrier-Family traditions of any type boost enjoyment of gatherings.
Pg 9 – Rates of suicide are low on or after Xmas.
Pg 10 – Weight loss/gastric bypass surgery should be considered for those with a BMI over 30.  It appears to alter brain function to increase feelings of satiety.  Dieting without surgery is nearly impossible to maintain long term.
Pg 12 – Metformin is a safe diabetes drug being considered for use by everyone to slow aging.  It may slow or reverse dementia and cognitive impairment, even in nondiabetics.
Pg 13 – When your first choice is unavailable, you may be more satisfied with something completely different.
pg 14 – How to be a better forgiver – Forgive for your own sake.  Aim for empathy. Calm the fight or flight reaction. Keep trying.
Pg 15 – People are more likely to wear their emotions on their sleeve in countries with a strong history of immigration, because it facilitates communication between strangers.
Pg 16 – Why Math Education in the US doesn’t add up – The pressure of timed tests impairs working memory, and it contributes to math anxiety, esp. among girls. Research shows  emphasis on rote memorization, procedures, and speed impairs learning and achievement.  Students need to acquire a number sense, to play with different strategies, and to be given the messages “mistakes grow your brain” and “I believe you can learn anything”.
Pg 1-  Nearly one out of five American adults serves as a caregiver to a loved one, almost half to a parent or in-law.
Pg 29 – Researchers are finding ways for caregivers to care for others without losing themselves. There are 43.5 million unpaid caregivers in the US, providing $470 billion annually in value. One quarter of caregivers report their health is suffering under the strain. Culture, gender, and relationship dynamics explain why.  Respite programs, counselors, peer-support programs, and interventions can all help caregivers.  Exercise is great for stress reduction.  See
Pg 60 – Stress responses are different in males and females.  Women are more likely to develop PTSD and depression after chronic stress. Women are more likely to have adverse drug reactions because initial trials were done only with men.
Pg 71 – Book review, Rest: Why you get more done when you work less!

– Roc, Nutrition Investigator
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Is there anything more exciting in life than seeking answers? Isaac Asimov