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For Thanksgiving, let me share a war story. During the first Gulf War, I walked into a staff meeting of 100 Generals and Colonels, just as the Chief Medical Officer announced, “As of today, Major Ordman is God!”  He explained that there were only enough smallpox vaccinations to treat 150,000 of the 300,000 US soldiers under his command, and he assigned me to decide who would be vaccinated.  That day I read about the vaccine. I had 300,000 doses, but to be most effective, I was ordered to give each selected soldier 2 doses. However, two doses gave 90% protection, while a single dose gave 75% protection. Quick calculation: I give 150,000 two doses, that leaves 165,000 vulnerable to death by smallpox bombs.  I give 300,000 each a single dose, that leaves 75,000 vulnerable.  I disobeyed orders, leaving me subject to courtmartial, but saving 90,000 lives, and all US soldiers I was responsible for would not feel cheated.

The COVID vaccinations are no doubt the same.  They could give twice as many people a single dose, and once supplies became sufficient, everyone could then get a second dose. If you have a friend with connections, please tell them.

-Roc (MAJ Alfred Ordman, ret’d)

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