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I hope you are coping with COVID stress. May this reading provide some hope about progress on the nutrition front. There is so much useful information that I am sending this now.  I hope you are taking alpha-ketoglutarate, Mito-C, and Triumph and getting exercise for stress relief every day. I value your friendship as I socially isolate. Warmly, Roc

Early use of large dose antioxidants, such as vitamin C (VC) may become an effective treatment for these patients. Clinical studies also show that high-dose oral VC provides certain protection against viral infection. Neither intravenous nor oral administration of high-dose VC is associated with significant side effect. Therefore, this regimen should be included in the treatment of COVID-19 and used as a preventative measure for susceptible populations such as healthcare workers with higher exposure risks.

Low plasma vitamin D level to be an independent risk factor for COVID-19 infection and hospitalization.

 We propose the intriguing hypothesis that correction of nutritional deficits may attenuate the age-dependent alterations of the innate and adaptive immune system which participate in the increased susceptibility and worse outcome observed in the elderly COVID-19 patients.

 I represent the community outreach team for Addiction Treatment Services, an organization dedicated to providing comprehensible and reliable information regarding various aspects of substance abuse and addiction. Our content includes Resources for TeensHigh School,  College,  LGBTQIA,   NursesVeterans, and Resources by State.

 Reduce stress before cancer surgery. Tel Aviv University researchers have found that the weeks before and after cancer surgery are critical for the prevention of metastases development. Patients require immune-therapeutic treatment as well as treatment to reduce inflammation and physical and psychological stress.

 Science 17 July pg 267: Sleep is more than just refreshment, it is critical for normal body function.  Reactive oxygen species increase with sleep, shortening life span. Negative effects are reversed by oral antioxidants.

 Alpha-lipoic acid [in Mito-C] supplementation associated with less inflammation among diabetics with history of heart attack

 From Fickenscher Newsletter: 1. Lots of studies proving masks work. 2. 7 countries with highest COVID infections are led by men: 7 countries with low COVID rates are led by women.

 HORMONAL Function Responses to Moderate Aerobic Exercise in Older Adults with Depression  – The findings of this study showed that 12 weeks of supervised exercise interventions are promising non-drug therapeutic strategies in improving depression among older adults.

The high incidence of sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) in Western societies is linked to long-term dietary patterns. Different stem cell populations play a role in mucosal homeostasis and initiating CRC tumors.

Sirtuin 1 (Sirt1), an NAD-dependent class III deacetylase, is beneficially activated during fasting or caloric restriction to increase fatty acid oxidation and gluconeogenesis and suppress insulin secretion, insulin action, and adipogenesis.

A Longitudinal Study of Physical Activity to Improve Sleep Quality During Pregnancy- The study revealed sleep quality was worse at the third trimester and moderate PA level had the potential for improvement of sleep quality both in the first and the third trimester.

Individuals act with higher risk preference, less sensitivity to loss as negative feedback, and lower inhibitory control in the afternoon than in the morning.

Zinc deficiency, cell-mediated immune dysfunction, susceptibility to infections, and increased oxidative stress have been observed in elderly subjects (ie, those >55 y old). Zinc is an effective antiinflammatory and antioxidant agent.

Former President of Israel’s Technion Institute explained some of the mysteries about sleep and dreams.

Science 31 July pg 513-There are 85,000 chemicals in our daily environment, incl. 9,000 food additives, 3.9 billion lbs. of chemicals dumped in the environment, 8.3 billion tons of plastics per year. “Sensitives” who report an arrang of symptoms like fatigue, muscle aches, and memory impairments likely have an increased vulnerability to these environmental insults.

Science 31 July pg519-The guit microbiome plays an important role in the gut-brain axis, a system of bidirectional communication. The probiotics you take produce many neuropeptides, so having a healthy gut biome fed yogurt or kefir, fiber, olive oil, almonds, sauerkraut, etc. is very important to mental health.

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