
Feb 24, 2023 I am now taking 16mg spermidine daily.

Sci 28 Oct 2022,  pg 370-Spermidine decreases with age, supplementation in mature people activates aged T-cells and improves anti-tumor immunity.  Range of dosage suggested 10mg up to 50mg/day. The results demonstrated a clear correlation between the intake of spermidine and the improvement in cognitive performance in subjects with mild and moderate dementia in the group treated with the higher spermidine dosage.

Having your longevity and eating too-SCIENCE 26 Jan 2018 Vol 359, Issue 6374 DOI: 10.1126/science.aan2788 – Although caloric restriction has clear benefits for maximizing health span and life span, it is sufficiently unpleasant that few humans stick to it. Madeo et al. review evidence that increased intake of the polyamine spermidine appears to reproduce many of the healthful effects of caloric restriction, and they explain its cellular actions, which include enhancement of autophagy and protein deacetylation. Spermidine is found in foods such as wheat germ, soybeans, nuts, and some fruits and vegetables and produced by the microbiota. Increased uptake of spermidine has protective effects against cancer, metabolic disease, heart disease, and neurodegeneration.

New Insights into the Roles and Mechanisms of Spermidine in Aging and Age-Related Diseases: Abstract High incidences of morbidity and mortality associated with age-related diseases among the elderly population are a socio-economic challenge. Aging is an irreversible and inevitable process that is a risk factor for pathological progression of diverse age-related diseases. Spermidine, a natural polyamine, plays a critical role in molecular and cellular interactions involved in various physiological and functional processes. Spermidine has been shown to modulate aging, suppress the occurrence and severity of age-related diseases, and prolong lifespan. However, the precise mechanisms through which spermidine exerts its anti-aging effects have not been established. In this review, we elucidate on the mechanisms and roles underlying the beneficial effects of spermidine in aging from a molecular and cellular perspective. Moreover, we provide new insights into the promising potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications of spermidine in aging and age-related diseases.