From JP (GRG): I have studied Azithromycin (AZ) as a senolytic in great detail. Unfortunately, I am doubtful that it is useful. Michael Lisanti’s research was in vitro, on human lung tissue in a laboratory test. It showed a 97% senescent effect above a threshold concentration. But I do not believe that oral AZ can achieve the required threshold concentration within normal dosing ranges. The standard dose is 500 mg day 1 and 250 mg days 2-5. There is extensive pharmacokinetics research on AZ, including the concentration levels reached in lung tissue, and I don’t think it gets there. There is the issue of wiping out your gut flora, especially at that level. I am not recommending it, but if you try dosing that high, it should be pulse dosing, 2 days max. Then spend a week taking diverse probiotics with inulin, to try to rebuild your gut flora.