SUBJ: Boosting your VO2 Max subtracts years from your age”

SUBtitle: Moderate levels of alcohol consumption may be beneficial

Links for new readers:  1) One Day in Roc’s Life: 46 resolutions to prolong health span
2) Recent important nutrition news

POSTERS – This is the link to about 100 student research posters written by my students in my nutrition course, and edited by me.  I request that you go to that link and just skim the topics, everything from how much is one drink,  Who You Meet When Too Drunk to Remember, to 153 Nutrition Essentials for pregnant teens, to 141 Cigarettes and weight gain.

See past newsletters here       Sponsor newsletter here


“The payoff to exercise is boosting your VO2 Max is equivalent to subtracting years from your age.”

Moderate levels of alcohol consumption may be beneficial.

The standard recommendations for protein consumption are a joke.

Students who were kept off Facebook for a month  were happier than the control group.

Suicides jumped 50% among 10-19 yr old girls since 2010 as cell phone ownership skyrocketed.

Investigations into heterochronic parabiosis have unveiled rejuvenating effects of young blood on aged tissues.

Epigenetic clocks reveal a rejuvenation event  during embryogenesis followed by aging

AARP 6 Foods to Skip After 50-1. Fried foods that triple the calories, 2. Sugary drinks…


A long New Yorker article this week gave a mixed review to the Outlive book by Dr Attia, which I am summarizing.  See 240407exercise newsletter, which includes the Age vs Exercise graph to determine your VO2 max.  “The payoff to exercise is boosting your VO2 Max is equivalent to subtracting years from your age.”  Diet section notes:  Moderate levels of alcohol consumption may be beneficial, improving endothelial function and reducing cardiovascular risk.  The standard recommendations for protein consumption are a joke. You need much more to maintain muscle mass.

The Economist-Students who were kept off Facebook for a month  were happier than the control group, spent less time online, more time with family and friends, and were less politically polarized. Suicides jumped 50% among 10-19 yr old girls since 2010 as cell phone ownership skyrocketed.

Recent investigations into heterochronic parabiosis have unveiled robust
rejuvenating effects of young blood on aged tissues.   Intravenous injection of young sEVs into aged mice extends their lifespan, mitigates senescent phenotypes and ameliorates age-associated functional declines in multiple tissue”Small extracellular vesicles from young plasma reverse
age-related functional declines
by improving mitochondrial energy

Measuring biological ages during embryogenesis is said to have uncovered a natural rejuvenation event in the following paper:  Epigenetic clocks reveal a rejuvenation event  during embryogenesis followed by aging

AARP 6 Foods to Skip After 50-1. Fried foods that triple the calories, 2. Sugary drinks, including most bottled teas, 3. Packaged foods with sneaky sugars, 4. Foods loaded with stealth salt, 5. Ultra-processed snacks, 6. Alcohol BUT Government guidelines recommend no more than two drinks a day for males and no more than one drink a day for females.